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City Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental <br />Findings <br />W-3 Prior to the commencement of soil disturbing activities, the project proponent shall submit <br />for approval to the RWQCB, a Notice of Intent to be covered under the Storm Water Permit. <br />Additionally, the project proponent shall prepare a SWPPP which will require the <br />implementation of BMPs. The project proponent shall implement the SWPPP and will <br />modify the SWPPP as directed by the Storm Water Permit. These provisions shall be <br />included in the plan notes. The SWPPP shall include all of or a combination of specific <br />BMPs as follows: <br />a) Sediment for areas disturbed by construction shall be retained on-site using <br />structural controls such as sandbags, fencing, or retention ponds. <br />b) Stockpiles of soil shall be properly contained to eliminate or reduce sediment <br />transport from the site to the streets, drainage facilities, or adjacent properties via <br />runoff, vehicle tracking or wind. <br />c) Appropriate BMPs for construction-related materials, wastes, spills, or residues <br />shall be implemented to minimize transport from the site to streets, drainage <br />facilities, or adjoining properties. <br />d) Runoff from equipment and vehicle washing shall be contained at construction sites <br />unless treated to reduce or remove sediment and other pollutants. <br />e) All construction contractor and subcontractor personnel are to be made aware of the <br />required BMPs and good housekeeping measures for the project site and any <br />associated construction staging areas. <br />f) At the end of each day of construction activity, all construction debris and waste <br />materials shall be collected and properly disposed of in trash or recycle bins. <br />g) Any designated smoking area shall have an appropriate cigarette waste receptacle <br />that is fitted to not allow cigarette butts to enter storm water or drains during rain or <br />high winds. All contractor and subcontractor personnel will be directed to dispose <br />of cigarette butts in these receptacles. <br /> Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Erosion and Loss of Topsoil <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to erosion and loss of topsoil will be <br />mitigated to below a level of significance with the implementation of mitigation measure W-3. <br />4.2.6 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IMPACTS RELATED TO <br />AIRPORT LAND USE PLANS <br /> Potentially Significant Adverse Impacts Related to Airport Land Use Plans <br />As discussed in Section 4.6 (Hazards and Hazardous Materials) of the EIR, the City Place Sky Lofts <br />27-story tower is 365 feet 8 inches above the ground at its highest point (a mechanical penthouse). <br />Because the residential tower exceeds 200 feet in height, any such use (over 200 feet in height) would <br />substantially fall within the John Wayne Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP). Therefore, the <br />proposed project would require filing with the FAA. Implementation of the proposed project could <br />potentially result in significant impacts related to aviation hazards. <br /> Finding Related to Airport Land Use Plans <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially <br />lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. <br />F:IPROJ-END1CityPlaceSkyLoftslFinaIEIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page IS <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-125 <br />