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City Place Slcy Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report Findings <br /> Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Noise <br />Implementation of mitigation measure N-1, provided below, will reduce potentially significant adverse <br />impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to noise to below a level of significance. <br />N-1 The Final design of the mechanical systems will comply with the noise standards of the <br />City of Santa Ana's Municipal Code. Compliance with these standards will be verified <br />by an acoustical analysis conducted by a qualified acoustical consultant during the Final <br />design phase of the project. If this analysis indicates that the mechanical systems, as <br />designed, will fail to meet the noise standards, further noise control measures shall be <br />incorporated into the design to provide compliance. This may include such measures as: <br />selection of quieter mechanical equipment, relocation of mechanical equipment and its <br />associated intakes and exhausts, use of parapet walls or other acoustical shielding, and <br />use of silencers or acoustical louvers. <br /> Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Noise <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to noise will be mitigated to below a level <br />of significance with the implementation of mitigation measure N-1. <br />4.2.9 RECREATION IMPACTS <br /> Potentially Significant Adverse Impacts Related to Recreation Facilities <br />As described in Section 4.12 (Recreation), the City Place Sky Lofts project would increase the demand <br />for parks and recreational facilities in the City. <br /> Finding Related to Recreation Facilities <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially <br />lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. <br /> Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Recreation Facilities <br />Implementation of mitigation measure R-1 listed below would reduce potential recreation impacts to a <br />level that is less than significant. <br />R-1 Prior to the issuance of the permits, the proposed project shall comply with the City's public <br />dedication requirements either through provision of private open space, public land <br />dedication, fees, or other vehicles acceptable to the City. <br /> Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Recreation Facilities <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to recreational facilities will be mitigated <br />to below a level of significance with the implementation of mitigation measure R-1. <br />F: IPRO.I-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 18 <br />January 23, 21109 <br />75A-128 <br />