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City Place Slry Lofts Final Environmental Impact <br />4.2.10 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC IMPACTS RELATED TO 2030 <br />SIGNLAIZED INTERSECTIONS <br /> Potentially Significant Adverse Impacts Related to 2030 Signalized Intersections <br />As discussed in Section 4.13 (Transportation and Traffic) of the EIR, in 2030, the intersections of Parker <br />Street at La Veta Avenue and Parker Street at Town & Country Road would operate at unacceptable LOS <br />F and LOS E, respectively, during the A.M. peak hour. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project <br />would cause these signalized intersections to operate at an unacceptable LOS, and with an increase in the <br />Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICLI) of greater than 0.01, representing a significant adverse impact. <br /> Finding Related to 2030 Signalized Intersections <br />Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially <br />lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final EIR. <br /> Facts in Support ofthe Finding Related to 2030 Signalized Intersections <br />Implementation of mitigation measures T-I and T-2, provided below, will reduce the impacts on the 2030 <br />signalized intersections of Parker Street at La Veta Avenue and Parker Street at Town & Country Road to <br />below a level of significance. <br />T-1 Prior to the issuance of permits, and subject to the approval of the City of Orange, the <br />applicant shall deposit its set fee into the Transportation System Improvement Area Joint <br />Powers Agreement (TSIA JPA) between the cities of Orange and Santa Ana and pay its <br />fair-share of construction costs for the following improvements at the intersection of <br />Parker Street and La Veta Avenue: add one northbound right-turn lane; stripe the <br />unstriped eastbound right-turn lane; convert one eastbound through lane to one shared <br />through/right-turn lane; convert one westbound through lane to one left-turn lane; and <br />modify traffic signal phasing to provide a protected left-turn phase for the eastbound and <br />westbound approaches. The applicant's fair-share contribution is two percent of the <br />construction costs. <br />T-2 Prior to the issuance of permits, and subject to the approval of the City of Orange, the <br />applicant shall deposit its set fee into the TSIA JPA and pay its fair-share of construction <br />costs for the following improvements at the intersection of Parker Street and Town & <br />Country Road: convert one eastbound through lane to one shared through/left-turn lane; <br />and modify the signal phasing to provide an eastbound/westbound split phase. The <br />applicant's fair-share contribution is nine percent of the construction costs. <br /> Level of Significance ofImpacts Related to 2030 Signalized Intersections <br />The adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to the 2030 signalized intersections of <br />Parker Street at La Veta Avenue and Parker Street at Town & Country Road will be mitigated to below a <br />level of significance with the implementation of mitigation measures T-1 and T-2. <br />F:'PROJ-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Pnge 19 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-129 <br />