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City Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report Findings <br />AQ-7 All appliances installed as part of the project shall be energy efficient appliances (i.e., <br />washer/dryers, refrigerators, stoves, etc.). <br />AQ-8 The project applicant will install ozone destruction catalysts on all air conditioning units. <br />AQ-9 The proposed. project will not include wood burning fireplaces. <br />AQ-10 The project will exceed by 20% requirements of the Energy Efficiency Standards of <br />Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Prior to approval of a building permit the <br />project applicant will provide documentation to the City Building Official of compliance <br />with this measure. <br />4.3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the City <br />Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to biological resources, <br />threatened and endangered species, wetlands, local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, or <br />habitat conservation plans. <br />4.3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the City <br />Place Sky Lofts project will not result insignificant adverse impacts related to historic resources. <br />4.3.6 GEOLOGY <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the City <br />Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to rupture of a known earthquake <br />fault, landslides, or the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems. <br />As discussed in Section 4.5 (Geology and Soils) of the EIR, impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project <br />related to the seismic hazards of liquefaction, landslides, lateral spreading, and expansive soils would be less <br />than significant. <br />4.3.7 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the <br />City Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to transport or disposal <br />of hazardous materials, documented hazardous materials or hazardous substances sites, use or emission of <br />hazardous materials within one-quarter mile of existing schools, use of hazardous materials during <br />construction and operations, or exposure of people to wildland fires. <br />As discussed in Section 4.6 (Hazards and Hazardous Materials) in the EIR, the jet fuel line that runs along <br />the south side of Memory Lane, approximately one-half block south of the project site, would not result in <br />a significant adverse impact related to hazards or hazardous materials. <br />As discussed in Section 4.6 (Hazards and Hazardous Materials) in the EIR, the City of Santa Ana has no <br />adopted emergency evacuation plans. Therefore, impacts related to emergency response plans would be <br />less than significant. <br />F: IPROJ-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFlnal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 23 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-133 <br />