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Ciry Place Sky Lofts Finad Environmental Lmpact <br />An Initial Study (IS) was completed at the beginning of the environmental review process for the City Place <br />Sky Lofts project, to identify those impacts that could be potentially significant and adverse and which <br />required further study in an EIR. The IS also provided analysis on the environmental impacts of the project <br />that were determined to be less than significant due to the identification and incorporation of mitigation early <br />in the process or based on compliance with existing regulations. The Findings of the IS are summarized in <br />Section 3.0 (Effects Found Not to be Significant) in the EIR. <br />The EIR and IS determined, based on substantial evidence in the record, that the following effects of the <br />project would have no significant adverse or no adverse impact on the environment. <br />4.3.1 AESTHETICS <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the <br />City Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to scenic vistas and <br />scenic resources. <br />As described in Section 4.2 (Aesthetics) in the EIR, the City Place Sky Lofts project will not substantially <br />degrade the existing visual character of the site. Although impacts of the proposed project related to <br />visual character are less than significant, mitigation measure AS-1 has been included to reduce potential <br />visual impacts related to above-ground utilities. <br />AS-1 All above-ground utilities shall, unless technically infeasible, be located within <br />the 2.008-acre project site, and not on adjoining public right-of--way. The project <br />applicant shall screen these utilities from the public right-of--way, and shall grant <br />appropriate easements to the affected utility. This mitigation would apply to electricity, <br />phone, cable TV, gas, and water utilities. <br />4.3.2 AGRICULTURE <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the City <br />Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to agricultural resources. <br />4.3.3 AIR QUALITY <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) and Section 4.3 (Air <br />Quality) of the EIR, the City Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to <br />odors. <br />Based on the analysis in Section 4.3 (Air Quality) in the EIR, the project will comply with regional plans and <br />will not exceed AQMD thresholds for nitrogen dioxide (NOZ), carbon monoxide (CO) sulfur oxides (SOx), <br />particulate matter (PM ~o), and fine particulates (PMzs) during construction or operation. <br />A significant impact determination associated with global climate change of the proposed project was <br />determined to be speculative because no adopted thresholds of significance currently exist for measuring <br />the impact of global climate change on or from a project. However, mitigation measures AQ-7, AQ-8, <br />AQ-9 and AQ-10, provided below, have been included to reduce project emissions that could contribute <br />to global warming. <br />F: I PROJ-ENVICity Place Sky Loftsl Final EIRI Findings-SOCI Findings-SOC. doc Page 22 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-132 <br />