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City Place Sky Lofts Flnal Environmental Impact Report Findings <br />As discussed in Section 4.10 (Population and Housing) of the EIR, direct and indirect impacts related to <br />population growth associated with implementation of the project would be less than significant. <br />4.3.13 PUBLIC SERVICES <br />As discussed in Section 4.11 (Public Services) of the EIR, impacts related to public services associated <br />with implementation of the proposed project would be less than significant. However, mitigation <br />measure P-1 is included to ensure that coordination with the Santa Ana Police Department is maintained <br />and security measures are incorporated into the project design and construction. Mitigation measure P-2 <br />is included to ensure the timing of payment of school fees. <br />P-1 Prior to the issuance of permits, the applicant shall coordinate with the City Police <br />Department to prepare a Security Plan for the residential components of the project. This <br />Plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Police Department. The Plan shall <br />address concerns related to visibility and adequate emergency access. Recommendations <br />resulting from the project review by the City Police Department would be incorporated <br />into the project. <br />P-2 Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall demonstrate proof of payment <br />of development fees to Orange Unified School District. <br />4.3.14 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC <br />Based on the analysis summarized in Section 3.0 (Impacts Found Not to be Significant) of the EIR, the City <br />Place Sky Lofts project will not result in significant adverse impacts related to air traffic patterns or air traffic <br />levels that would result in an increase in safety risks. Aviation requirements are described under <br />Section 4.2.6 of this Findings and Facts Report. <br />As described in Section 4.13 (Transportation and Traffic) of the EIR, implementation of the proposed <br />project would not create a significant adverse parking impact if the proposed project were to provide five <br />additional handicapped parking spaces in the tenant parking lot. However, the current SD-59 would be <br />amended to incorporate an updated parking requirement that would reflect the proposed project parking <br />ratios. <br />4.3.15 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS <br />As described in Section 4.14 (Utilities and Service Systems) of the EIR, the City Place Sky Lofts project <br />will result in increased demand for electricity, natural gas, communications systems, and domestic water, <br />and will result in increased generation of waste water and solid waste, compared to existing conditions on <br />the project site. This increased demand/generation will be within the capability of the individual utility <br />providers. Although there are no significant adverse impacts to utilities and service systems, the <br />following mitigation measures are included to ensure that coordination with public utility providers are <br />maintained. <br />U-1 The applicant shall coordinate with the utility companies serving the site to establish <br />service connections prior to construction. <br />F. IPROJ-EN'VlCity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 25 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-135 <br />