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City Place Sky Lofts Flnal Environmental Impact Report <br />U-2 Any pre-existing underground utilities at the site shall be located prior to construction <br />and abandoned or removed in accordance with state and local codes and regulations. <br />Any utility trenches shall be backfilled under the observation and testing of the resident <br />engineer or inspector. <br />U-3 The applicant shall pay its fair share of necessary telephone improvements including a <br />main conduit structure to bring lines into the project site. Coordination with AT&T <br />and/or Time Warner during the development stage would facilitate service connection. <br />5.0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br />When making Findings, CEQA requires that a lead agency must adopt a reporting or monitoring program <br />for the changes to the project that it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to ensure <br />compliance during project implementation. The MMRP for the City Place Sky Lofts project, <br />accompanying the Final EIR, is designed to serve this purpose for the mitigation measures identified in <br />the Final EIR. The MMRP requires the City to monitor mitigation measures designed to reduce or <br />eliminate significant adverse project impacts, as well as those mitigation measures designed to reduce <br />environmental impacts that are less than significant. The MMRP includes all mitigation measures <br />identified in the Final EIR and has been designed to ensure compliance during implementation of the <br />project. <br />The City finds that the impacts of the project have been mitigated to the extent feasible by the mitigation <br />measures identified in the Final EIR and the MMRP. The City adopts the MMRP for the City Place Sky <br />Lofts project. The MMRP designates responsibility and the anticipated timing for the implementation of <br />mitigation measures and conditions within the jurisdiction of the City of Santa Ana. That MMRP is <br />hereby adopted and its implementation is made a condition of approval of the City Place Sky Lofts <br />project. <br />The City approves and will implement all the mitigation measures in the Final EIR. <br />6.0 ALTERNATIVES <br />An EIR prepared pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines must describe and comparatively evaluate <br />a range of alternatives to the proposed project (Section 15126.6 of the CEQA Guidelines). Analysis of <br />every possible alternative or options or combination of options would overburden the EIR with an <br />unnecessary amount of detail that would be redundant and complex and would, as a result, fail to provide <br />meaningful information for the City to consider in its review of the project. To develop alternatives that <br />are analyzed in the EIR, a list of potential alternatives was prepared. For this analysis, the project <br />alternatives were evaluated to determine the extent to which they meet the basic project objectives, while <br />avoiding or substantially lessening any significant adverse impacts of the proposed project. <br />The City of Santa Ana selected the alternatives discussed below for a variety of reasons. The goal for <br />evaluating alternatives was to identify ways to mitigate or avoid the significant adverse impacts of the <br />proposed project. <br />F: IPROJ-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 26 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-136 <br />