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City Place Slry Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report <br />TABLE 9-I <br />COMPARISON OF THE IMPACTS OF THE CITY PLACE SKY LOFTS PROJECT <br />AND THE PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br />IMPACT PROPOSED CITY NO PROJECT/ NO PROJECT/ TOWN HOME <br />CATEGORY PLACE SKY LOFTS EXISTING EXISTING ALTERNATIVE <br /> PROJECT CONDITIONS ENTITLEMENT <br />Aesthetics Significant adverse No impact. Impacts to aesthetics Impacts to <br /> impact due to building would be below a aesthetics would be <br /> shadow upon residential level of significance below a level of <br /> uses east of Lawson and would be significance and <br /> Way and southeast of substantially less than would be less than <br /> Memory Lane during the proposed project. the proposed <br /> late afternoon and early project. <br /> evening of spring and <br /> summer months. <br />Air Quality Unavoidable adverse No impact. Impacts to air quality Impacts to air <br /> impact of ROG would be below a quality would be <br /> emissions during the level of significance below a level of <br /> proposed project and would be significance and <br /> operational phase. substantially less than would be less than <br /> the proposed project. the proposed <br /> project. <br />Cultural Impacts to cultural No impact. Impacts to cultural Similar as under the <br />Resources resources would be resources would be proposed project; <br /> below a level of below a level of however, the <br /> significance with significance with potential for <br /> implementation of mitigation. However, encountering <br /> mitigation measures. impacts would be less subsurface materials <br /> than the proposed would be less than <br /> project. the proposed <br /> roject. <br />Geology and Impacts to geology and No impact. Impacts to geology Similar impacts as <br />Soils soils would be below a and soils would be under the proposed <br /> level of significance below a level of project; however, <br /> with implementation of significance with impacts would be <br /> mitigation measures. mitigation. However, less than the <br /> the potential for proposed project. <br /> differential settlement <br /> would be less than the <br /> proposed project. <br />Hazardous The potential impacts of No impact. The potential impacts Similar impacts as <br />Materials the proposed project related to the under the proposed <br /> related to the abandoned jet fuel project. <br /> abandoned jet fuel line line would be below a <br /> would be below a level level of significance <br /> of significance. and would be the <br /> same as the proposed <br /> project. <br />F: IPROJ-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 28 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-138 <br />