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City Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental Impact Report Findings <br />TABLE 9-1 <br />COMPARISON OF THE IMPACTS OF THE CITY PLACE SKY LOFTS PROJECT <br />AND THE PROJECT ALTERNATIVES <br />IMPACT PROPOSED CITY NO PROJECT/ NO PROJECT/ TOWN HOME <br />CATEGORY PLACE SKY LOFTS EXISTING EXISTING ALTERNATIVE <br /> PROJECT CONDITIONS ENTITLEMENT <br />Hydrology and Impacts to hydrology No impact. Impacts to hydrology Similar impacts as <br />Water Quality and water quality would and water quality under the proposed <br /> be below a level of would be below a project; however, <br /> significance with level of significance impacts would be <br /> implementation of with implementation less than the <br /> mitigation measures. of mitigation and proposed project. <br /> would be the same as <br /> the proposed project. <br />Land Use Impacts related to land No impact. Impacts related to Impacts related to <br /> use would be below a land use would be land use would be <br /> level of significance. below a level of below a level of <br /> significance and significance and <br /> would be similar to would be similar to <br /> the proposed project. the proposed <br /> project. <br />Noise Impacts related to noise No impact. Impacts related to Similar impacts as <br /> would be below a level noise would be below under the proposed <br /> of significance with a level of significance project; however, <br /> implementation of with implementation impacts would be <br /> mitigation measures. of mitigation less than the <br /> measures and would proposed project. <br /> be substantially less <br /> than the proposed <br /> project. <br />Population and [mpacts related to No impact. Impacts related to ~ Similar impacts as <br />Housing population and housing population and under the proposed <br /> would be below a level housing would be project; however, <br /> of significance. below a level of impacts would be <br /> significance and less than the <br /> would be proposed project. <br /> substantially less than <br /> the proposed project. <br />Public Services Impacts to public No impact. Impacts related to Similar impacts as <br /> services would be public services would under the proposed <br /> below a level of be below a level of project; however, <br /> significance. significance and impacts would be <br /> would be less than the <br /> substantially less than proposed project. <br /> the proposed project. <br />Recreation Impacts to recreation No impact. Impacts related to Similar impacts as <br /> would be below a level public services would under the proposed <br /> of significance with be below a level of project; however, <br /> implementation of significance with impacts would be <br /> mitigation measures. mitigation and would less than the <br /> be substantially less proposed project. <br /> than the proposed <br /> project. <br />F:IPROJ-END'ICity P[aceSkyLoftslFinal EIR1Findings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 29 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-139 <br />