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City Place Sky Lofts Final Environmental <br />Findings <br />• Develop the City Place as a commercial and residential center that provides entertainment, <br />shopping, dining, and living opportunities for the residents of Santa Ana and surrounding area, <br />and that maximizes the advantages of the site location on Main Street in terms of its visibility and <br />proximity to SR 22. <br />• Develop the vacant project site with land uses to help meet the residential needs in the <br />northeastern part of the City of Santa Ana. <br />• Provide development that is consistent with the District Center designation of the General Plan <br />and which contributes to the continued revitalization of the northeastern area of the City of Santa <br />Ana. <br />• Provide concentrated and internally integrated development rather than development that spreads <br />activities into adjacent residential neighborhoods. Introduce a mixture of multi-family housing <br />types to the district. <br />• Maximize the residential density of the vacant site in City Place to support the purpose of the <br />General Plan designation of District Center, which is intended for high intensity development. <br />2. The project would be consistent with existing development in the area which reflects an urban <br />environment preserving the aesthetic qualities of the City and helping to make the area a source of pride <br />to people living and working in Santa Ana and for visitors to the City. <br />3. Furthermore, there are no alternative sites in the City that are suitable for this project, as described in the <br />Final EIR. Therefore, there are no feasible alternative sites or mitigation measures that would reduce or <br />eliminate the significant unavoidable adverse impacts of the proposed project related to aesthetics, air <br />quality, and traffic. <br />For the reasons stated above, and based on substantial evidence in the record before it, the City finds that the <br />unavoidable adverse impacts of the City Place Sky Lofts project related to aesthetics, air quality, and traffic <br />are acceptable and, furthermore, finds that the benefits of the project outweigh its unavoidable adverse <br />environmental impacts. <br />8.0 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS <br />Various documents and other materials constitute the record of proceedings on which the City of Santa Ana <br />bases its Findings and decisions contained herein. Most documents related to this Final E[R are located at the <br />City of Santa Ana, Planning and Building Department, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California, 92702. <br />Some documents included in the record of proceedings may also be located at the offices of consultants <br />retained by the City for this project. <br />9.0 SUMMARY <br />1. Based on the foregoing Findings and the information contained in the record, the City of Santa Ana has <br />made one or more of the following Findings with respect to each significant adverse impact of the <br />proposed project, as identified in the Final EIR: <br />F: IPROJ-ENVICity Place SkyLoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 32 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-142 <br />