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City Place Sky Lofts Final E'nvironrnental Impact Report Findings <br />• Aesthetics <br />• Air Quality <br />• Traffic <br />The No Project/Existing Conditions Alternative is not anticipated to result in any significant unavoidable <br />adverse impacts because it does not propose any development on the project site. <br />The No Project/Existing Entitlement Alternative is not anticipated to result in any significant unavoidable <br />adverse impacts, and impacts would be substantially less than under the proposed project because of the <br />substantially reduced amount of development on the project site under this Alternative. <br />The Town Home Alternative would result in less-than-significant impacts except for potential short-term <br />traffic impacts. All impacts of the Town Home Alternative would be less than under the proposed project <br />because this Alternative would result in less intense development on the project site. <br />As shown in Table 9-l, because the No Project/Existing Conditions Alternative and No Project/Existing <br />Entitlement Alternative do not result in any significant unavoidable adverse impacts and would result in <br />even less impacts than the Town Home Alternative, they are the environmentally superior alternatives. <br />CEQA requires the identification of an additional feasible environmentally superior alternative when the <br />No Project Alternative is determined to be the environmentally superior alternative. Many of the <br />environmental impacts of the proposed project and the project Alternatives are directly related to the size <br />or intensity of the development and, in general, projects of higher intensity will generally result in more <br />adverse impacts compared to alternatives of a lower intensity. As shown in Table 9-1, the Town Home <br />Alternative would result in fewer significant unavoidable adverse impacts than the proposed project. <br />Therefore, of the build alternatives, the Town Home Alternative is the environmentally superior <br />alternative. <br />7.0 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br />The City of Santa Ana has balanced the benefits of the City Place Sky Lofts project against its ~mavoidable <br />adverse environmental impacts in determining that the specific economic, legal, social, technological, and/or <br />other benefits outweigh the unavoidable significant adverse envirommental impacts of the project. Section <br />15093(b) of the CEQA Guidelines provides that when the decision of a public agency results in the <br />occurrence of significant adverse impacts that are identified in the Final EIR but are not substantially <br />mitigated, the agency must state in writing the reasons to support its actions based on the Final EIR and/or <br />other information in the record. The reasons set forth below are based on the Final EIR and other information <br />in the record. <br />Based on the substantial evidence in the record, including but not limited to the Final EIR, the City finds that <br />the benefits of the City Place Sky Lofts project outweigh its unavoidable adverse environmental impacts and, <br />furthermore, finds that such adverse environmental effects are acceptable. Each of the separate benefits of <br />the project, as stated below, is determined to be, unto itself and independent of other project benefits, a basis <br />for overriding all unavoidable adverse impacts identified in these Findings. The reasons for the approval of <br />the project despite the occurrence of significant unavoidable adverse impacts related to aesthetics, air quality, <br />and traffic are: <br />1. The project would allow the City to achieve the objectives and to avoid or minimize significant adverse <br />environmental impacts to the extent feasible. The project will: <br />F: IPROJ-ENVICity Place Sky LoftslFinal EIRIFindings-SOCIFindings-SOC.doc Page 31 <br />January 23, 2009 <br />75A-141 <br />