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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />MM AQ-3 During grading, the construction disturbance area shall be kept as small as possible. <br />MM AQ-4 Prior to issuance of any grading permit wind barriers shall be installed along the <br />perimeter of the site and/or around areas being graded. <br />Mitigation measure MM AQ-5 would require all construction equipment be maintained in proper tune and <br />be turned off when not in use to reduce vehicular emissions. <br />MM AQ-5 During construction, operators of any gas or diesel fueled equipment, including vehicles, <br />shall be encouraged to turn off equipment if not in use or left idle for more than five <br />minutes. Equipment engines shall be maintained in good condition and in proper tune <br />according to manufacturer's specifications. <br />Mitigation measure MM AQ-6 would require the use of low-volatile-organic-compound (VOC) paints on all <br />exterior surfaces at the proposed project site. <br />MM AQ-6 The Applicant shall require by contract specifications that the architectural coating (paint <br />and primer) products used would have aloes-VOC rating. Contract specifications shall be <br />included in the proposed project construction documents, which shall be reviewed by the <br />City prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />Finally, objectionable odors are a localized phenomenon and are generally confined to the vicinity of the <br />emitter of the odor. The proposed project is an office land use and would not generate significant long- <br />term operational odors. Construction activities do not usually emit offensive odors. Although construction <br />activities occurring in association with the proposed project could generate airborne odors associated with <br />the operation of construction vehicles (i.e., diesel exhaust) and the application of interior and exterior <br />architectural coatings, these emissions would be temporary in nature, would generally be restricted to the <br />immediate vicinity of the construction site and activity, and would not affect a substantial number of <br />people. Compliance with City of Santa Ana required maintenance and waste management practices <br />would reduce the potential for objectionable odors. The operation of the proposed project would be <br />required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 402 with regard to odors. In general, operational activities <br />associated with land uses similar to the proposed project do not ordinarily emit offensive odors and as <br />such, this impact would be considered less than significant. <br />IV. Biological Resources <br />A. Adversely impact, either directly or through habitat modifications, any endangered, rare or <br />threatened species, as listed on Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations (section <br />670.2 or 670.5) or in the Title 50, code of Federal Regulations (section 17.11 or 17.12)? <br />B. Have a substantial adverse impact, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any <br />species identified as a candidate, sensitive or special status species in local or regional <br />plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. <br />Fish and Wildlife Services? <br />C. Have a substantial adverse impact on any riparian habitat or natural community identified <br />in local or regional plans, policies, and regulations or by the California Department of fish <br />and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br />D. Adversely impact federally protected wetlands (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal <br />pool, coastal, etc.) either individually or in combination with the known or probable <br />impacts of other activities through direct removal, filling hydrological interruption, or other <br />means? <br />75A-40 <br />