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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />during construction, the Applicant will implement the mitigation measure MM CR-1, which will ensure <br />proper evaluation and treatment of archaeological resources, if found. <br />MM CR-1 In the event that archaeological/paleontological resources are unearthed during project <br />subsurface activities, all earth-disturbing work within a 100-meter radius shall be <br />temporarily suspended or redirected until an Orange County certified archeologist has <br />been provided the opportunity to assess the significance of the find and implement <br />appropriate measures to protect or scientifically remove the find. Construction personnel <br />shall be informed that unauthorized collection of cultural resources is prohibited. <br />If the resource is determined to be significant, the archaeologist or paleontologist, as <br />appropriate, shall prepare a research design for recovery of the resources in consultation <br />with the State Office of Historic Preservation that satisfies the requirements of Section <br />21083.2 of CEQA. The archaeologist or paleontologist shall complete a report of the <br />excavations and findings and shall submit the report to the City of Santa Ana and to the <br />South Central Coastal Information Center at the California State University at Fullerton. <br />After the find has been appropriately mitigated, work in the area may resume. <br />Compliance with mitigation measure MM CR-1 would ensure that implementation of the proposed project <br />would not result a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource, and <br />therefore, potential impacts would be reduced to aless-than-significant level. <br />C. Disturb or destroy a unique paleontological resource or site? <br />Less-Than-Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. <br />The project site has already been subject to extensive disruption as it was previously developed with a <br />building that has been demolished. As part of the demolition process, the site was excavated to a depth <br />of at least two feet below ground level. Any paleontological resources that may have existed at one time <br />have most likely been disturbed. Nonetheless, construction activities associated with project <br />implementation could unearth undocumented resources and result in a potentially significant impact. <br />Implementation of mitigation measure MM CR-1 would reduce any potential impact to a less-than- <br />significant level. <br />D. Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? <br />Less-Than-Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. <br />A Sacred Lands File records search was requested from the Native American Heritage Commission for <br />the project site. The records search failed to indicate the presence of Native American cultural resources <br />in the project area (included as Appendix G [Native American Heritage Commission Letter]). In addition, <br />no formal cemeteries are known to have occupied any portion of the project site. Because the area is <br />underlain by disturbed soils, the presence of human remains is remote. However, if remains are <br />encountered, disturbing these remains could violate Section 5097 of the California Public Resources <br />Code (PRC) and Sections 7050.5, 7051, and 7054 of the California Health and Safety Code (HSC), as <br />well as resulting in the destruction of a potential resource. Implementation of mitigation measure MM CR- <br />2 would ensure that this potential impact is reduced to aless-than-significant level by ensuring <br />appropriate examination, treatment, and protection of human remains, if any are discovered. <br />MM CR-2 If human remains are unearthed, in accordance with State Health and Safety Code <br />Section 7050.5 the applicant shall require from the construction contractor that no further <br />75A-42 <br />