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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />No Impact <br />The project site is currently vacant, but was previously developed with a commercial development <br />oriented towards an arterial street. The new development will continue the existing development pattern <br />and will not divide existing neighborhoods. The proposed project is located in an urbanized setting and <br />no locally designated species or natural communities are known to exist in the project area. The site is <br />not part of any habitat conservation plan or natural community preservation plan. Therefore, there would <br />be no impact. <br />B. Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with <br />jurisdiction over the project adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an <br />environmental effect? <br />Less than Significant Impact <br />The existing General Plan land use designation for the proposed project site is Open Space (OS), and the <br />site is zoned North Harbor Specific Plan (SP2), Open Space land use category. Medical offices are not a <br />permitted use in an Open Space zone. A General Plan Amendment (GPA) would be required to re- <br />designate the 0.45 acre site from Open Space to General Commercial. A Zoning Ordinance Amendment <br />to modify the North Harbor Specific Plan would also be required. The modifications to the Specific Plan <br />would include a modification to Figure 3.1 Emphasis zones, to change this property from Open Space <br />land use category to General Commercial land use category. <br />As proposed, the project would be developed with a 6,002 square foot, two story medical building. The <br />Open Space land use category in the SP2 covered existing parks and included this parcel as a potential <br />site for expansion of the existing parks. The City's ability to acquire land and develop it into parkland in <br />the last 15 years since SP2 was adopted has been severely constrained. As mentioned earlier, the <br />project site was previously developed with a restaurant use since the 1970's, which was destroyed by fire <br />in 2004. This site is the only vacant site in the entire block and has resulted in a disruption of the <br />commercial development of Fifth Street. While the proposed project would result in a minor decrease in <br />the City's inventory of open space, it would not be in conflict with land use policies included in the Land <br />Use Element of the City's General Plan. The project would be consistent the following Goals and <br />Policies: <br />_ General Plan Pommies proj~ consrstexy <br />LAND USE ELEMENT <br />Goal 2 Promote land uses which enhance the city's economic and fiscal viability <br />Policy 2.10. Support new <br />development which is harmonious in <br />scale and character with existing <br />development in the area. <br />Proposed development would be designed in a manner which is <br />harmonious in character and scale with existing development in the <br />area. The design of the proposed medical building is contemporary <br />which enhances the commercial corridor, and it is two stories in height, <br />which is in scale with the adjacent commercial building and the single <br />family uses to the north. The proposed project would not conflict <br />with this policy. <br />75A-48 <br />