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3. Project Description <br />relocation of railroad safety facilities. Changes to the road right-of-way at this intersects <br />inadequate turn radii for large trucks making a left turn on resulted an <br />0 from westbound Fairhaven Avenue to southbound <br />Lincoln Avenue, Some trucks were unable to complete the turn, which created an unsafe condition <br />vehicles on the tracks. As a result, in 20 the i of � with <br />May t Santa Ana closed Lincoln Avenue to all traffic from <br />Fairhaven Avenue to Park Lane until this safety issue is resolved. <br />An additional safety issue exists at the intersection of Santa Clara Avenue and Lincoln Avenue and Santa <br />Mara Avenue and the at -grade railroad crossing, The Santa Mara Avenue and Linooln Avenge intersection <br />currently controlled by a four - way stop where westbound Santa Mara Avenue rnotori is <br />st are required # stop <br />prior to the railroad crossing. Stopped motorists and pedestrian bicycl'i is do not have an unobstructed <br />view of trains approaching from either the north or the south or Lincoln Avenue vehicles approaching the <br />intersection. This lack of adequate sight distance is caused b of ma or pp 9 <br />�r ry walls between rs�dntial property <br />and the east side of the railroad right-of-way. Because of the intersection configuration and the westbound <br />vehicle - stopping distance from the center of the Santa Mara Avenue and Lincoln Avenue intersection there <br />has also been some confusion about which vehicle has the right of way. <br />Intersection and roadway improvement plans were drafted and the environmental process was started, A <br />Notice of Preparation and an Initial Study were circulated for public review from October 3, 2008 to <br />November 2, 2008. After the close of public comment Period, the Public Utilities Commission PU informed <br />the City that it would not pe rmit the Fairhaven . <br />Lrncoln Avenue intersection to b e reopened to traffic, The role <br />of the P UC in projects that involve railroads is inspection to ensure that railroads comply with federal railroad <br />safety regulations. The PLIC investigates railroad accidents and responds to safety inquiries male b <br />community officials, the general public, and railroad labor organizations. <br />y <br />The intersection design and project description were revised from a one -weir street to a cul -de -sac, and a reprised <br />Notice of Preparation was circulated for public review and comment (January 27, 2009 to February 26, 2009). <br />3.4 PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS <br />"Project," as defined by the CEQA Guidelines, means "the whole of an action, which has a potential for <br />resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical <br />change in the environment, and that is any of the following: (1 )...enactment and amendment of zoning <br />ordinances, and the adoption and amendment of local General Plans or elements thereof pursuant to <br />Government Code Sections 65100-65700" 14 Cal. Code of Reg. 15378[a] . <br />3. 4.1 Description of the Project <br />Several changes to the original 2002 project have been proposed to address the safety issues aloe Lincoln <br />Avenue. Two -way travel at Lincoln Avenue and Fairhaven Avenue is currently 9 <br />u rently blocked with concrete barriers. <br />Revisions to the original project would permanently close the Lincoln Avenue vehicle lanes from Fairhaven <br />Avenue to Park Lane. Two-way traffic would be maintained on Lincoln Avenue from Parr Lane to Santa Clara <br />Avenue. Additionally, to improve safety at the Santa Clara Avenue and Lincoln Avenue intersection a traffic <br />signal would be installed and intersection modifications would occur. Pedestrian access to the east side of <br />the Metrolink tracks and to Santiago Park could be accomplished by two different means. Metrolink will <br />require their own maintenance road on the west side of the tracks and this road could also serge as a <br />pedestrian path; this would not allow direct access to Fairhaven (east side) by pedestrians. Direct pedestrian <br />access across the railroad tracks at Lincoln Avenue Fairhaven Avenue would be maintained if the crossing <br />complies with applicable safety /quiet zone requirements by CPUC and S RRA. The project includes the <br />following elements (see Figure 3 -3, Proposed Fairha en Lincoln Intersection and Figure 3 -4, Proposed Santa <br />CJaralLincolrr briers axon <br />Page 3 -2 & he Planning Center March 2009 <br />Resolution No. 2009 -034 <br />Page 28 of 130 <br />