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7. Provide ten (10) vests to identify exercise controllers, seven (7) <br />vests to identify exercise evaluators, and up to 100 badges to <br />identify exercise participants, evaluators, controllers, and observers <br />8. Assist the UCI with controller and evaluator training by providing a <br />Controller/Evaluator Briefing describing the roles and responsibilities <br />of exercise evaluation <br />9. Debrief and record notes from the exercise controllers and <br />evaluators prior to exercise completion <br />10. Prepare and submit to UCI a draft AAR within 45 days of exercise <br />completion. Final AAR will be delivered to UCI and ASAUA no later <br />than 60 days after exercise completion <br />11. Prepare five (5) hard copies and one (1) CD-ROM copy of the report <br />and submit to the UCI <br />Cost: $43,500.00 <br />N. Section Specific Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Training <br />Course <br />Section Specific Emergency Operations Center Training Course. The <br />Section Specific EOC Training Course will build upon the knowledge <br />gained during the Basic EOC training courses. The 20 -hour course will <br />provide participants with section/position specific EOC training that will <br />highlight the individual positional and sectional roles and responsibilities <br />within an activated EOC and will teach participants how to work as an <br />EOC team. The course is divided into 2 Y2 days with participants from <br />the Operations/Planning sections participating together during <br />instructional and hands on training on Day 1. Day 2 brings <br />Logistic/Finance personnel together for logistic and finance focused <br />instruction and activities. Day 3 concludes with participants from the <br />Management Section and the Section Chiefs working through <br />discussion and operations -based activities. The Section Specific course <br />includes both instructional and hands on training on all three days and <br />is approved through P.O.S.T and awaiting approval from the U.S. <br />Department of Homeland Security. Willdan will supply the course <br />materials, instructors, light refreshments, and miscellaneous items <br />(badges, name tents, signage) for up to 40 participants. This advanced <br />course provides participants with the necessary instruction to function in <br />a local government EOC using NIMS/SEMS procedures and guidelines. <br />This course will be delivered two (2) times to the Urban Area, affording <br />training to 80 personnel. <br />Cost: $29,500 <br />