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the time a change in insurance is required. <br />10. CITY shall notify SUBRECIPIENT in writing of changes in the <br />insurance requirements. If SUBRECIPIENT does not deposit copies of acceptable <br />certificates of insurance and endorsements with CITY incorporating such changes within <br />thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, this AGREEMENT may be in default without <br />further notice to SUBRECIPIENT, and CITY shall be entitled to all legal remedies. <br />The procuring of such required policy or policies of insurance shall <br />not be construed to limit SUBRECIPIENT's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the <br />indemnification provisions and requirements of this AGREEMENT. <br />11. INDEMNIFICATION PROVISIONS <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel approved in writing by CITY, <br />and hold CITY, its officials, officers, employees, and agents harmless from any claims, <br />demands or liability of any kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury or <br />property damage, arising from or related to the services, products or other performance <br />provided by SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this AGREEMENT. If judgment is entered <br />against SUBRECIPIENT and CITY by a court of competent jurisdiction because of the <br />concurrent active negligence of CITY or CITY INDEMNITEES, SUBRECIPIENT and CITY <br />agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by the court. <br />12. If an applicant knowingly and willfully submits false perFormance or <br />other data, the CITY reserves the right to reject that proposal. If it is determined that an <br />AGREEMENT was awarded as a result of false performance or other data submitted in <br />response to this application, the CITY reserves the right to terminate that AGREEMENT. <br />13. SUBRECIPIENT shall be required to submit to the CITY, or its <br />designee, periodic status reports, including program expenditures and recipient <br />information. Failure to do so may result in termination of the AGREEMENT. <br />14. SUBRECIPIENT acknowledges that, as recipients of Federal Funds <br />they will be required to comply with Federal regulations pertaining to the use of such <br />funds. All regulations will be enumerated in the AGREEMENT and will be incorporated by <br />reference. It will be the SUBRECIPIENT's responsibility to assure compliance with <br />applicable regulations. <br />15. The Grant Agreement between HUD and the CITY shall be <br />incorporated by reference into all agreements between the CITY and the <br />Page 13 of 28 <br />