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SUBRECIPIENT. <br />16. SUBRECIPIENT will ensure an annual financial audit is performed in <br />compliance with the Federal Single Audit Act and will submit a copy of the audit report to <br />the CITY within six months of the end of the SUBRECIPIENT's fiscal year. <br />17. LICENSING. SUBRECIPIENT shall obtain and maintain all required <br />licenses, registrations, accreditation or permits, and meet all code regulations required for <br />the program(s) funded under the AGREEMENT. Such licensing requirements include <br />obtaining a City business license, as applicable. <br />18. SUBRECIPIENT shall use reporting software as specified by the <br />CITY. <br />19. SUBRECIPIENT shall participate in information networking, training, <br />and coordination meetings as may be provided by the CITY. <br />20. SUBRECIPIENT shall cooperate with related research and <br />evaluation activities as may be required by the CITY. <br />21. SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with all AGREEMENT conditions and <br />with any future regulations that may be promulgated by HUD. Failure to comply with any <br />and all of HUD regulations may result in termination of this AGREEMENT. <br />22. ZONING. SUBRECIPIENT agrees that any facility/property used in <br />furtherance of said program/project shall be specifically zoned and permitted for such <br />use(s) and activity(ies). Should SUBRECIPIENT fail to have the required land entitlement <br />and/or permits, thus violating any local or state or federal rules and regulations relating <br />thereto, SUBRECIPIENT shall immediately make good-faith efforts to gain compliance <br />with local, state or federal rules and regulations following written notification of said <br />violation(s) from the CITY or other authorized citing agency. SUBRECIPIENT shall notify <br />CITY immediately of any pending violations. Failure to notify CITY of pending violations, <br />or to remedy such known violation(s) shall result in termination of grant funding <br />hereunder. SUBRECIPIENT must make all corrections required to bring the <br />facility/property into compliance with the law within sixty (60) days of notification of the <br />violation(s); failure to gain compliance within such time shall result in termination of grant <br />funding hereunder. <br />H. Grantor Recognition <br />SUBRECIPIENT shall insure recognition of the role of the CITY in providing <br />Page 14 of 28 <br />