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This region-wide database has been functioning successfully since 2006. OC Partnership is the <br />designated lead agency within Orange County charged with overseeing the implementation and <br />management of the region's Homeless Management Information System (HMIs). As of May 31, <br />2009 demographic and service usage data on 24,030 homeless and at risk clients served by 34 <br />participating agencies has been captured within CMIS since its inception. The system and our <br />agency are fully prepared to add additional agencies and provide the necessary reports to meet <br />the data collection requirements of HPRP. <br />Allocation of Santa Ana funds will be tracked as a separate HPRP Santa Ana program. As each <br />expense is entered into our accounting system, it is allocated using a separate QuickBooks <br />class, based on what program it is used for. As income is received it is classified the same way. <br />Profit & Loss Reports are printed by class to ensure that the funded is received and expended <br />correctly. All expenses are reviewed and approved by the Executive Director each month. <br />All employees prepare monthly time sheets detailing which programs they spend their time on. <br />As above, expenses are allocated to programs based on use. Expenses are booked into our <br />financial system using classed for each program. <br />RFP HOMELESSNESS PREVEN710N & RAPID RE-HOUSING SERVICES 6/11/09 <br />16 <br />