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5105 <br />program requirements and monitors grant and subgrant supported activities to assure compliance <br />with Federal requirements. Such monitoring covers each program, function and activity and <br />performance goals are reviewed periodically. <br />D. Environmental Review: In accordance with 24 CFR 58, the CITY is responsible for <br />undertaking environmental review and maintaining environmental review records for each appli- <br />cable project. <br />E. Performance Monitoring: CITY shall monitor the performance of the <br />SUBRECIPIENT against goals and performance standards required herein. Substandard per- <br />formance as determined by the CITY will constitute non-compliance with this Agreement. If ac- <br />tion to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the SUBRECIPIENT within a rea- <br />sonable period of time after being notified by the CITY, contract suspension or termination pro- <br />cedures will be initiated. <br />III. NONDISCRIMINATION <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no person on the ground of race, color, national origin, reli- <br />gion or sex will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to <br />discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with ESG funds. <br />IV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />Pursuant to the conflict of interest requirements set forth in 24 CFR 576.57 and OMB Circu- <br />lars 1-102 and A-110, SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no officer, employee, agent or assignee of <br />CITY having direct or indirect control of any ESG monies granted to the CITY, inclusive of the <br />subject ESG FUNDS, shall serve as an officer of SUBRECIPIENT. Further, any conflict or poten- <br />tial conflict of interest of any officer of SUBRECIPIENT shall be fully disclosed in writing prior to <br />the execution of this Agreement and said writing shall be attached and deemed fully incorporated as <br />a part hereof Notice shall be sent by SUBRECIPIENT to CITY regarding any changes or mod- <br />ifications to its board of directors and list of officers <br />V. SPECIAL CERTIFICATION FOR RELIGIOUS ENTITIES <br />In addition to, and not in substitution for, other provisions of this Agreement regarding <br />said program using federal funds, SUBRECIPIENT: <br />A. Represents that it is, or may be deemed to be, a religious or denominational institution <br />or organization or an organization operated for religious purposes that is supervised or controlled <br />by or in connection with a religious or denominational institution or organization; <br />B. Agrees that, in connection with said program: <br />1. It will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the <br />17 <br />