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5105 <br />basis of religion and will not limit employment or give preference in employment to persons on <br />the basis of religion; <br />2. It will not discriminate against any person applying for participation in said pro- <br />gram on the basis of religion and will not limit such participation or give preference to persons <br />on the basis of religion; <br />3. It will provide no religious instruction or counseling, conduct no religious worship <br />or services, engage in no religious proselytizing, and exert no other religious influence in said <br />program; <br />4. The funds received under this Agreement shall not be used to construct, rehabili- <br />tate, or restore any facility that is owned by SUBRECIPIENT and in which said program is to be <br />implemented; provided that, minor repairs may be made if such repairs (1) are directly related to <br />said program; (2) are located in a structure used exclusively for non -religious purposes and (3) <br />constitute in dollar terms only a minor portion of the federal fund expenditure for said program. <br />VI. CONDITIONS ON PROVISIONS OF DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTING <br />HOMELESS PREVENTION ACTIVITIES <br />In addition to, and not in substitution for, other provisions of this Agreement regarding <br />said program using federal funds, SUBRECIPIENT: <br />A. Represents that it is, or may be deemed to be, a Homeless Prevention Program [24 <br />CFR 576.21(a)(4)] and will implement homeless prevention activities subject to the limitations <br />in 42 USC 11374(a)(4); <br />B. Agrees that, in connection with said program, if ESG funds are to be used to assist <br />families that have received eviction notices or notices of termination of utility services, the fol- <br />lowing conditions will be met: <br />1. The inability of the family to make the required payments must be the result of a <br />sudden reduction in income; <br />2. The assistance must be necessary to avoid eviction of the family or termination of <br />services to the family; <br />3. There must be a reasonable prospect that the family will be able to resume pay- <br />ments within a reasonable period of time; and <br />4. The assistance must not supplant funding for preexisting homeless prevention ac- <br />tivities from any other source. <br />18 <br />