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REQUEST FOR <br /> Planning Commission Action <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY <br /> DECEMBER 14, 2009 APPROVED <br /> TITLE: ? As Recommended <br /> PUBLIC HEARING - MODIFICATIONS TO ? As Amended <br /> VARIANCE NO. 2004-09 FOR THE PROOF BAR ? Set Public Hearing For <br /> LOCATED AT 215 NORTH BROADWAY, JUSTIN DENIED <br /> REUTER AND JOEY MENDES, APPLICANTS ? Applicant's Request <br /> ? Staff Recommendation <br /> CONTINUED TO <br /> Prepared by Sergio Klotz <br /> L-'1 <br /> Executive Director Planning Manager <br /> RECOMMENDED ACTION <br /> 1. Adopt a resolution approving modifications to Variance No. 2004-09 <br /> allowing a cover charge, serving draft beer, allowing bottle <br /> service, advertising or signs indicating the availability of <br /> alcohol, expansion into the basement level and allowing the hours <br /> of operation from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. as conditioned. <br /> 2. Adopt a resolution denying modifications to Variance No. 2004-09 <br /> pertaining to dancing, outdoor patio area and an open rear door. <br /> These conditions are to remain in place. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Request of Applicant <br /> Mr. Justin Reuter and Mr. Joey Mendes, business partners of the Proof bar, <br /> are requesting approval to modify the conditions for a bar in the Santora <br /> Building located at 215 North Broadway. <br /> Property Description <br /> The bar is located in the Santora Building within the Artists Village. <br /> The building, constructed in 1929, is located at the northeast corner of <br /> Broadway and Second Street. The bar is located on the ground floor of a <br /> two-story commercial building with frontage on Broadway. <br /> The subject site has a zoning designation of Central Business-Artists <br /> <br /> Village (C3-A) and has a General Plan land use designation of District <br /> Center (DC). <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> 31 B-2 <br /> <br />