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<br /> Preservation Commission(s) when rehabilitation activities are planned on a structure that is listed <br /> on the state historic registry, and will provide documentation of such approval to the City prior to <br /> commencement of any rehabilitation activities on a property which is funded through this <br /> program. <br /> 305. Lead-Based Paint. Developer shall comply with the requirements, as applicable of <br /> the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821-4846) and implementing <br /> regulations at 24 CFR 35 for any housing project it undertakes pursuant to this Agreement. For <br /> the activities outlined in this Agreement, Developer will be required to pay particular attention to <br /> subpart J (Rehabilitation); subpart K (Acquisition, Leasing, Support Services or Operation) and <br /> Subpart R (Methods and Standards for lead based paint hazard reduction activities). <br /> 306. Asbestos Abatement: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) <br /> has defined asbestos containing materials (ACM) to be any substance containing more than one <br /> percent (1%) or more asbestos by weight. <br /> All ACM's must be abated prior to demolition or renovation/remodeling activities by a <br /> Cal-OSHA licensed asbestos abatement contractor using methods in accordance with 8 CCR <br /> 1529 and SCAQMD Rule 1403. Asbestos abatement procedures should be monitored by a third <br /> party or consultant knowledgeable in asbestos abatement procedures and is, at a minimum, either <br /> a Cal-OSHA certified Site Surveillance Technician or Certified Asbestos Consultant. <br /> The survey for ACMs shall be performed in conjunction with the survey for lead-based <br /> paint. All suspect materials are sampled and tested in accordance with the general guidelines for <br /> bulk asbestos sampling as presented in Section 40, Part 763 (AHERA) of the Code of Federal <br /> Regulations (CFR) and the United States EPA. <br /> 307. Energy Efficient Products. Developer shall include energy efficient products in <br /> the rehabilitation of the units. Such products include, but are not limited to, the following <br /> features: low-flush toilets, insulation, high efficiency systems, and tankless water heaters. In <br /> addition, yards will be landscaped with low-maintenance and drought tolerant plants. <br /> 308. Rehabilitation Act -Section 504 (As Applicable). Section 504 of the <br /> Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination in federally-assisted activities and programs <br /> on the basis of handicap, and imposes requirements to ensure that qualified individuals with <br /> handicaps have access to these programs and activities. <br /> 309. Property Standards. Developer shall cause the Property to meet the housing <br /> quality standards set forth in 24 CFR 882.109, as well as all applicable local, state and federal <br /> codes and ordinances, including zoning ordinances. Developer shall also cause the Property to <br /> meet the current edition of the Model Energy Code published by the Council of American <br /> Building Officials. <br /> 400. REHABILITATION COSTS PAID WITH NSP FUNDS. <br /> 6 <br /> 25K-42 <br /> <br />