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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />or the end; of the. policy perrcu , whl hover is <br />earlier:. - . <br />.3. <br />The insurance provided' to the addtional rrtsured <br />by this endotsement is excess over. any valid and <br />col . I. ctible "other insurance"} whether primary,. <br />excess, contingent or on any, other basis, that is <br />availa' the additional insured for.-- a foss <br />cover under this . endorswnemnt, How-ever, if a <br />"v?rrittcm1ract` requiring insurance' fix that. ad- <br />ditional lnsbred'specifically requires that this inn <br />surance apply ona primary Basis or a primary <br />and non-oont6butory basl4j. this insurance is pri.: <br />Mary to "other insuranc'W available to the -addi- <br />tional insured which covers that person or organi- <br />zation as a named insured for such loss, and we <br />wilVnot share with that "other insurance".- But the <br />insurance provident to the ad nodal insured-by <br />this endorsement still` is excess over any vQ0 <br />and collectible "other insurance`, whether pri- <br />mary, excess, contingent or on any ather basis,` <br />that is available to the additional insured wren' <br />that person dr organization is an additiarial in- <br />sured under such "other irmrance". <br />As a condition of coverage provided:: to the <br />additional insured by this endorsemer t. <br />a).: The additional lntil ed< roust giev us written <br />notice as. soon as grabticable of an.-loccur <br />rends" O an offeriAe which may result in a <br />claim. _ fie the extent possible! such notice <br />should hiclude:' <br />l: How, when acid where the 'pmutrence' <br />or offense, took IIWWL <br />9.; The names and addresses of arty in;umed <br />persons ansjWtliit seS and . <br />11L The nature and location of any hJury or <br />dArnage arising out of the "occuir mce" or <br />cn;De. <br />b if a claim rnade or "suit' is brought against <br />the additional insured, the additional insured <br />must: <br /> <br />5 <br />i. Immediately record the specifics of the <br />claim or "suit" and the date received; and <br />ii. Notify its as sari: as practicable. <br />The additional insured must see to it that we <br />receive written notice of the claim or "suit` as <br />soon as practicable: <br />c) The additional insured rr its. irnmadiateiy: <br />.send. us copies of all legal papers received. in <br />do'nnection With tha claim or "suit", co <br />v us in the. lrnvrestigatiort or settlement of <br />tint: claim: or defense against the 's;ait% and <br />otherwise Gompiy With all policy conditions <br />d} The. additional insured must tender the. de- <br />feitse and inderrinity of any claim or "suit" to <br />any provider of „ether insurance" which world <br />cover, rthe additional insured' for a loss we <br />cover under this endorswnent- Ho er, this <br />condition does not affect whether ft lnsur <br />ante provided to the additional insured by <br />the endorsement is primary to "other insur= <br />ance" available to the additional insured <br />which covers that person or.organization as a,-- <br />tined insured. as. described in paragraph' 30, <br />aSe <br />TtwfolldWing def riltim is added to ECTtON 1 <br />- DEFINITIONS <br />'Ytfntterl c4ritr k r li ring insurance" metes <br />Mat part of ai?y.wrt r i conti ct or agreement <br />under which ydtr are required to nalrac#e' a: <br />person or or ization as art addifonai in <br />a-ured on this Cdwrage Part; provided that <br />the "bodily Injury" and "prpp?rty damage' i <br />curs and the °parsonat; injury' ins caused byart:.. <br />offense committed: <br />a. After tote signing and execution of the <br />contract: or agreement by YOW <br />b. While that hark. Of the Contract or <br />agreement Is lit effect, and <br />o Before the send of tltie policy perioi?_ <br />Page 2 of 2 0, 2005, The S"#: Pad Travels?s Cornpaanies, Inc. CQ D2 47 06 05