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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />2. The following replaces Paragraph 6. of SEC- <br />TION III' LIMITS OF iNSURANCEi. <br />Subject to S. above, the Damage To. Prem- <br />ises Rented: To You Limit is the most will <br />pay under Coverage A for damages becau <br />of ;"property damagei' to any one premises <br />while renter!-to yot ,. or temporarily occupied <br />by you with: pet'rrtiss bn of tole owrrier, caused <br />by fire; explosion; ligtttnin ; srhoke resuttin. g <br />from such fire, explosion, or ligh'tning', or wa- <br />ter: lu Damage To Pre_ tisee Rented To. <br />You Limit will apply to all dernage proximately <br />caused by the sarue "odwrrencea, whether <br />surd dammge results from frl% explosion; <br />ligtltrlir smoke rasulting from sikh fire, ex- <br />016sion, or lightning; water; or any corrtl?ina- <br />bon of any of these: <br />The, Darnage To Prerrlses Rented: To: You <br />Limit will be the h'tghetcaf <br />?i. $3Qt1,QQQ or ... <br />bf,, The aniount shown on the Declarations of <br />this :Coverage Fart for Domege T& Prem-. <br />isles Rented To You Lii I <br />4 The following replacss Paragraph a. of the <br />definition of "insured` cor k. ct" in the 1301 N_ <br />TIONS Section:. <br />a. A .contract for a:. lease of f, mrses: How- <br />ever, that portion of the contract for a <br />lease of prernises that iWernnities any <br />person or organizaWn' for damage to <br />premises white. rerttsd €ri yQt, or ter Kipi <br />rarity occupied by you with permiss"iorr of <br />the owner, cared by, <br />- <br />Fire, <br />( Explosion <br />(3) LigWming <br />(4) Smoke resulting from pu h tire, ex- <br />p oslon,, or lightning; or <br />(5) water, <br />is an "insured contract"; <br />5. The following replaces Paragraph ?.b.(1)(b) <br />of SECTION I-V Ci M-MERCIAL GISNERAL <br />LIABILITY CONDITIONS: <br />(b3 That is insurance for premises recited to <br />you, or teMora0y occupied by you with <br />the permission of the owner, <br />E' *;LANKET WAIY:ER OF SUBROGATION' <br />The fbUowing is added to Paragraph B., Transfer <br />Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others- To Us, <br />of SECTION IV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL U? <br />ABILITY CONDITIONS <br />We waive any right of recovery, we may naive: <br />against: art?t person or organization becausf of <br />payments we. make: far injury or damage aiisirtg' <br />out of presses awned or odcu. led by or rented <br />or loaned to you; ongoing operations perforated <br />by you or"on your behalf; Acme under a contract <br />with that psmcri or organization; "your vrorwi or <br />"your products". Wa waive this right- where you. <br />have agreed to do so as part of a writtert Contract, <br />executed by you pnvr to lass. <br />F : BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS. <br />MANAGERS OR LES$OR$:OF PREMISES <br />The-following ,.is added t.p SEC7101 It - W140 Is <br />AN.INS1RE€3 <br />.Arty parson. or r rg;arti t+ion that is a Premises <br />owner, -manager or Ir` and that you naive:. <br />agreed In a written contract or agreement to <br />name as an additiorial msurad dirt this Coverage <br />fart is an ri7sCTrec but only w, res('iect to liability <br />for "bodily irtjuV. "property darns e°, "persoriat; <br />injury" or"advartislog injury" that <br />a Is "Bodily iiijirry" or "property doge" paused <br />by au "occurrence' that takes place, or "perms <br />sonal l!njury'r or "adverb sing injury' caused by <br />an off so that is committed:- after you have <br />signed Arid executed that cpraract or agree- <br />merit; and' <br />b.. Arises out of the. ownership, mairdenance or <br />use of that part of any premises laaaed to <br />ypu' <br />The insurance prrtvided to such premises cwi er; <br />manager'or lessor is subiect to the following pro:- <br />visions, <br />Ai The limits' of insurance provide to such <br />premises owner, matnage,.r or Iessolr will bE <br />the limits whirrlt yoca agreed to provide in written contmof or agreement, or the limits <br />shown ctn the Deplaratupns of this Cove Me <br />Part' whichever. 4Te less.. <br />b. Tie insurance provided, to such prernisi <br />owni r, manager or lessor does not apply to <br />(1) "Bodily injury" rtr °property doniage" <br />caused bier alit "occurrence"` that, Cakes <br />place, or "personal injury" or *advert ling: <br />njury" caused by an offense that %s. gym= <br />rnitted, after you cease to be a tenant in <br />that premises;; or <br />(2) .Structural aft lions, new constru.cliori or <br />demolition ow, a iof' s performed by or on <br />Page 4 of 9 0 2008'rhe Travelers Gomperiles: Ciic. CG D+f 58 10. 08