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Proposal for San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR <br />Prepared for: CITY of SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT B: SCOPE OF WORK <br />3. Identify construction - related air quality impacts from associated construction activities at <br />- the project site which may include demolition, import/export of fill dirt, mass grading, <br />etc. <br />4. Perform Construction Localized Significance Threshold (LST) analysis as recommended <br />by the SCAQMD for construction activity. Given the project size it is anticipated that the <br />SCAQMD's lookup tables will be utilized to determine LST impacts to sensitive <br />receptors in the project vicinity. <br />5. The analysis will address potential temporary odors that may be generated during the <br />construction activity of the proposed sewer lines and lift station. Additionally, odors <br />resulting from the long -term operation of the proposed lift station will be evaluated. It is <br />anticipated that a Windrose exhibit will be utilized to identify the direction in which <br />prevailing winds will disperse potential odor impacts from the project. <br />6. Quantify and disclose carbon dioxide (CO2) and related greenhouse gas (GHG) <br />emissions that will be emitted as a result of construction activity utilizing the <br />URBEMIS2007 emissions inventory and other relevant emissions inventory models. The <br />analysis will discuss project design/mitigation measures that will help reduce greenhouse <br />gas emission resulting from the proposed project and determine if the project has a <br />significant impact on global climate change. <br />7. Summarize the results of the study in an air quality and climate change analysis report <br />addressing the potential impacts associated with the development. These reports will also <br />summarize the recommended air quality and climate change mitigation measures <br />applicable to the proposed project. <br />8. The scope of work includes necessary teleconferences with the project team, attendance <br />at up to one (1) project team meeting, and a review of project team comments and minor <br />revisions required to the air quality and climate change analysis reports for up to one <br />review cycle. <br />PHASE 4: PREPARE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT <br />Task 4.1- Prepare Administrative Draft EIR <br />T &B Planning will commence with preparation of the Administrative Draft EIR immediately <br />following authorization to proceed. We will focus first on preparing the EIR sections that are not <br />reliant on technical studies, as it is anticipated that many of the studies may still be under preparation. <br />Following completion of the technical studies and in consideration of the EIR scope as determined by <br />the Initial Study, T &B Planning will prepare an Administrative Draft EIR in accordance with State and <br />City of Santa Ana guidelines. The EIR will generally include the following sections: <br />Executive Summary. This introductory section will provide: a synopsis of each project <br />component, a summary of the project alternatives, a brief discussion of controversial areas, <br />and a list of issues, if any. The Executive Summary also will include the CEQA - required <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MM P) — see Task 4.3, below — which will <br />identify the significance of each impact, mitigation measures, the party responsible for <br />implementing each mitigation measure, and the timeframe in which each measure should be <br />completed. In the interest of efficiency, the MMRP will not be prepared until after the City's <br />Page B -6 <br />