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Proposal for San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR <br />Prepared for: CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT B: SCOPE OF WORK <br />6. Compare the predicted noise levels during the construction phases with the applicable <br />City of Santa Ana exterior noise level requirements. Identify locations that will exceed <br />applicable exterior noise standards and predict the noise level increase during <br />construction over current ambient noise levels with and without recommended mitigation <br />measures. <br />7. Recommend temporary noise barrier locations and heights and identify noise mitigation <br />measures to reduce the noise impacts during the construction phase and meet the City of <br />Santa Ana Noise Standards. <br />8. Summarize the results of the study in a report addressing the construction noise impacts <br />and recommended mitigation measures. <br />9. The scope of work includes necessary teleconferences with the project team, attendance <br />at up to one (1) project team meeting, and a review of project team comments and minor <br />revisions required to the noise analysis report for up to one review cycle. <br />Task 3.4 - Air Quality Impact & Climate Change Analysis <br />In order to assess the project's potential to create air emissions during construction activities that <br />exceed established significance thresholds, and to conduct a brief analysis of potential odor impacts <br />that may result from long -term operation of the proposed facility, Urban Crossroads, Inc. will prepare <br />an air quality impact analysis for the project. In addition, and in response to on -going concerns over <br />the issue of Global Climate Change, an analysis also will be conducted to evaluate the State of <br />California Global Climate Change Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) in order to identify any mitigation <br />measures that may be necessary during construction to ensure compliance with the Act. <br />The cost estimates for the air quality and climate change analyses assumes that the City will provide <br />complete and comprehensive data regarding project construction and operations. Data include, but <br />are not limited to: construction schedule (including all phases of demolition, site preparation, <br />excavation, building, etc.); construction equipment fleet information; yards of soil to be excavated, <br />hauled, or imported; and manufacturer's specifications of any new equipment installed. <br />Additionally, the cost estimates for climate change analysis assumes evaluation under current <br />(January 2010) regulations. Because regulations related to climate change at the federal, state, and <br />regional levels are subject to frequent change in California, the consultants reserve the right to <br />request additional data and fees to complete additional analyses, if any, that may be required for <br />analysis of conformance with any new climate change regulations that may be adopted after January <br />2010 but prior to the Final EIR being certified by the City. <br />As part of this task, Urban Crossroads shall undertake the following work efforts: <br />1. Review aerial photos and maps to identify the air quality sensitive locations in the study <br />area that may be significantly impacted by construction emissions and review the City of <br />Santa Ana construction air quality standards. <br />2. Evaluate the existing conditions of the project study area; this will include gathering <br />background air quality data, local wind patterns in the study area and identifying <br />applicable rules, plans and thresholds of significance. <br />Page B -5 <br />