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Case Managers <br />Case Managers will provide all trainees with assistance through the entire training and <br />licensure process. They will act as facilitators to individuals that need assistance navigating <br />through Community Care Licensing (State) Requirements. Once trainees become licensed <br />they may continue to contact their case manager for assistance. <br />Outreach Activities <br />Outreach activities target Latina women and Latino men who are interested in becoming <br />entrepreneurs and establishing a Childcare business in their home. <br />Outreach activities include distributing program information at community events, fairs, <br />conferences, or through partner organizations, such as other nonprofit agencies, local <br />businesses, and various schools, health and social service agencies. Outreach activities also <br />occur through various media such as local magazines, newspapers, and television stations, <br />such as Para Todos, Rumores, Miniondas, Univision, and Telemundo. <br />Phase l: Orientation and Re istration <br />Orientation <br />A program orientation will be held for all qualified individuals who are interested in <br />developing a business and becoming entrepreneurs. During the orientation we will explain: <br />• Description of program <br />• State Requirements <br />• Program Requirements and Expectations <br />• Training Calendar <br />• Case Manager's role <br />The case manager administers a simple screening survey to help participants gauge their <br />eligibility. <br />At this point, some find out they will not be eligible and choose to end the process here. <br />Others decide to continue with the training, knowing that they will at some point fulfill the <br />requirements. <br />Finally, during this screening process, those who are eligible to continue will complete a full <br />program application and acknowledgment of the program's benefits and their willingness to <br />complete the program. They schedule an appointment with their case manager in order to <br />complete registration for the program. <br />EXHIBIT A 2 <br />