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Other CEQA Considerations <br />Cumulative impacts will be specified in the individual sections of the EIR, and summarized in this <br />section of the document. The cumulative analysis will be qualitative in nature and will be based upon <br />known projects, either approved or proposed (applications on file), within a defined area around the <br />proposed project; therefore, the cumulative impact assessment will be based on reasonably - <br />anticipated potential development projects that may, in combination with the proposed project, <br />create cumulatively considerable environmental impacts. Findings of recent court cases regarding the <br />scope of cumulative impact discussions, as well as the requirements of the CEQA Guidelines, will <br />be used. As previously mentioned, the description of project alternatives and cumulative projects <br />will be developed in Task 1. <br />The EIR will discuss all significant unavoidable adverse impacts (in conformance with the State <br />CEQA Guidelines) that can only be partially mitigated, but not to a level that is less than significant. <br />The EIR will also discuss any potential growth -inducing and irreversible impacts of the proposed <br />project. Potential sources of growth inducement and their corresponding impacts, such as removal <br />of obstacles to growth, major new employment generation, or major economic influences, will be <br />qualitatively analyzed, to the extent that they are applicable. <br />Alternatives <br />The EIR will revise the existing alternatives section or create a new section (if necessary) to <br />qualitatively address the environmental impacts that would result from a different project. PBS&J <br />will work closely with City staff to develop up to three alternatives to the proposed project, <br />including the no project alternative (including the no project/no development alternative and the no <br />project/reasonably foreseeable use alternative) and one reduced size alternative. The alternatives will <br />be provided in sufficient detail for comparison with the proposed project. Each alternative will be <br />evaluated with respect to each key impact category. Graphic exhibits of alternatives will be <br />presented, if available. <br />The advantages and disadvantages of each alternative and the reasons for rejecting or recommending <br />the alternative will also be discussed, and the environmentally superior alternative will be identified. <br />A summary of the alternatives and their associated impacts will be provided in the EIR summary. <br />During the course of the environmental analysis, minor variations to the proposed project that could <br />have the effect of reducing or eliminating environmental concerns may become apparent; these <br />variations will be implemented, where feasible. <br />Output <br />1. Four (4) loose copies of the Revised Administrative Draft EIR for City staff review <br />2. One (1) electronic copy of the Revised ADEIR. <br />C. Task 3 Prepare Draft EIR <br />The purpose of this task is to respond to City staff comments on the Administrative Draft EIR, <br />complete necessary revisions, and publish the Draft EIR for public review. <br />