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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />R-5 <br />DISPOSAL OF PET WASTES <br />Pet waste-, left ill t11e ell iroilnleilt may iiltiodttce solid, <br />bacteria, anti rtutr'ients to the storm drawl . The .t -pe arld <br />gtt~:ntity of dictate the pi -,er clisposal <br />method. Ln 111 qiimltities of waste are Ixest clisposed <br />wit11 regular h rill or ntished do:,-j1 a toilet. Large <br />LTU- tltitiee of i,-a.teo fi•onl liertn• ore at-i_u als may be <br />composted for =.u1 ecluerlt use or disposal to lailcttill. <br />Pick up after:•ottr pet! It's as e..v as 1-2-3. 1) Brji-, a <br />bag, 2`1 Cleaii it tip, 3) Lei` -pose of it 1:n:operly (toilet x <br />tra.sll). The polltttiorl prevention activities otrtliiled ir1 <br />t11is fact sheets are used to prevent the di ch,u-ge of <br />pollutlrlts to the _torus drain system. <br />The activities outlined in this fact <br />sheet target the following <br />pollutants: <br />,,edimen; <br />x <br />I�luhient <br />x <br />Bacteria <br />x <br />Foaming Agents <br />bie1�� <br />Hydrecarbom <br />Hazardous Mmerials <br />Pesticides ird <br />Herbicides <br />Other <br />Think before volt dispose of an[- pet wastes, Remember - The ocecui staffs at 3-ottr front <br />door, <br />Required Activities <br />X11 pet v: antes must be picked up and properly disposed of. Pet z, ante sltottld l,e <br />clisp o: ed of ia1 the rege-Ltlar tra.sll, flushed dovnl a toilet, or• composted as -pe gild <br />lItt alltities clictate. <br />• ProPerly dispose of tulttsed flea control products (shampoo, sprays, or collars). <br />Mailitre produced 1n7 liv-eotuck ill tulco krered area tiliattlt� be removed at leas It <br />duly for coulpostiilg, or storage iii water-tight corltamer t aYor to di- sposal, ti!e:-er <br />hose dov.m to streanj or stole, drain. Caulpostirlg of storage are&S chottld be <br />cordigtued and may -itaii-ted so art not to allow contact with r'tuloff. Compost njajr <br />be don,l ted to, ntu3el7eG, aild bot shoal parks. Topsoil comparaes <br />,uidcorllPostill' centers may abo accept composted nlarltue. <br />Lille v: ante pits or tre71ches with all iulpeimieable layer, such as thick plastic <br />- 1leetirlg. <br />• jNli ri possible, alloy; water to irlfil Irate into the grotulcl,, or coil c ct ut ,, I <br />area that is rooted to t11e sar1it r sewer. <br />• Corlfirle livestock irl fenced in area , except dtuitlg exercise aitd grazing times, <br />Restrict ailimll access to creeks and. stream:,, preferl,1I, Ln- feasting. <br />For additional information contact: <br />County of Or in4e. ;Watershed & Goastal Resources - Storm water Program <br />(711)567 -6363 or visit our vrebsite at wwv:.oc, <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />