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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />Trash Storage Areas SD -32 <br />MMMMMM� <br />Description Design Objectives <br />11'asll,lOE';igC area are area, t%,heru a trash I,eccptacle (-s) are Maximize Infiltrawn <br />lOCBted for Ilse as a repositolT Cot' solid waste,. ot0[7r1wate[' =''rc;ide Retznticn <br />runoff frclln areas where trash is stored or disposed of can be <br />polluted. In addition, loose trash and debris call be. easily' Slow Rurn�ff <br />transported I ?t' water of uilld into nearby, stone dlllln inlet,. k inimize Impervious Land <br />channek and /or creek,_ b1'nste handling operations that nia. , he ':'o'v'erage <br />sources of stornlwator pollution include dulllpsters, litter control. ?rohibtDumping cf Imprr-.per <br />and waste pile,. Ufa iElldl ^o <br />Approach .( Contain Pollutants <br />This fact sheet. Ci1t3115 dllallti Ul the s1eclfC t[eaSlttes CELul'ed Collec:and C'.onvty <br />to prevent or reduce pollutantS ill Strlrllurater runoff associated <br />-iffi trash storage and handling. Preventative ]neasures <br />including enclosure,. contalutnellt SLl'L1CLLl1'e:S, and lrnllel"aOLls <br />PavelneliLs to Luititate shills, Should be used to reduce the <br />likelihood of c'ontanilliation. <br />Suitable Applications <br />approl-,riate applic•ati(jrls include residential. corllnlercial and industrial areas planned for <br />deN.010Plllent or redeVeloplment. (Detached reSlderidal single- family homes are tyj)icaliy <br />excluded frorn this reduircillent.) <br />Design Considerations <br />Design requireuictlLs for -aste handling areas are governed by Building and Fire Codes. and bx <br />current local agency ordinances and zoning requireinerlLS. The design criteria described in this <br />fact sheet are nleanL to enhance and lie consistent tivith these code and ordinance requirements. <br />Hazardous waste should be handled in accordance uitil legal requirements established in'ride <br />California Code of Kr:.gulatioll. <br />tVaAes fI-0111 cWillnercial and industrial Sites are twllically hauled by eidler public or commercial <br />Carl'tel� thdL may have design or access requirements for waste storaoe areas. The design <br />cr1Leria In this tact sheet are recommendations and are not intended to be In conflict vith <br />requlrelnents established by the• % aste hauler. The waste hauler Should be contacted prior to the <br />deSi_gtl 01 VCILII'site Crash U1llectloll area,. COnfllcLS orissiles should be discussed with tile local <br />agency. <br />Designing _vviv ills tctliutiurls <br />Trash storage areas should be designed to consider the following structural of treatment control <br />li `1 ps; <br />• Design trash container areas so that drainage from adjoining roofs arld pavement is dig cited <br />around the area(s) to avoid run -on. This Alight include bernling <br />orgrading the waste handling area to prevent run -an of <br />sterinwater. CAS OA <br />• Make Sure trash container areas are screened or walled to % Stiormwatqr <br />Prevent off -site Lransport of trash. Quality <br />Assotiation <br />January _1003 Califomia Stormwate- SNIP Handbook 1 of <br />New Development and Redevelopment <br />www. cabrn pha ndbooks. co m <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />