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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />SD -32 Trash Storage areas <br />• Use lined bins or dunhpstets to induce leaking of liquid waste. <br />• Provide roois, awnings, or attached lids ein all L-rash e0ntainet� to rninimize direct <br />precipitation and prevent rainfall ft•otll entering containers. <br />• Pave tr."sh storage areas with an impervious surface to nlitigate spills. <br />• Do not locate storm dlaiYls in immediate Ocinit�, of-the trash storage area_ <br />■ post signs Gil all durnosters in',ortning users that hazardous materials are not to be disposed <br />iii Ill erein. <br />Re fie aef ply iIIg I.tisI ill y If Is I (111(11 ions <br />Various iur isdictional stortnlvater nlanagenhent and ill it5atiiin plans (SUSAIP. kvQ -M P, etc.) <br />define `redevelopinent° in terms of attiountti of additional impervious at-ea. increases in gross <br />floor are,? and/or exterior construction, and laird disturbing actYk7tles 117th structural Or <br />inhpeMous surfaees. Tile definition of " redevelopm en C [Must be consulted to determine <br />whether or not the requlr•elnetrts for nev., develcipinent apply to areas intended for redevelol,illent_ If the definition applies, the steps outlined under -designh)g new installations" <br />above should be followed. <br />Additional Information <br />31(linlellance (.'crrisidevuliuns <br />The integrity Of structural elements that are subject to daruage (he., screeds, covers, and sins) <br />"It1St be Mintained by the o1+71er /operator, NIal g <br />!4LlIe4ceY ie (Mal <br />ageuc� <br />and the i„ +)ter; opetator tn.1% be required. SO111C agencies 11111 reiluire ttlaintenance deed <br />restrictions to be. recorded of the property title. if required by the local agenct,, nhaintenance <br />agreement~ or deed restrictions must be executed by the owner/. operator before improvetnerlt <br />plans are approved. <br />Other Resources <br />A Manual for the Standard Urhzul Stormwater I4iitigation flan (SUsMp,), Los Angeles County <br />Department of Public Works. Mav 2002. <br />plodel Standard Urban Storrs! Dilater Mitigation Plan (SUSNIP) for San Diego County. Port of <br />San Diego, and Cities nh Sail Diego Cotinty, FebrttarV 1,1, 2002, <br />Model Water Quality Management Plan (11 OU) for County of Orange, Orange County flood <br />Control District, and the Incorporated Cities of ()range COUnl:v. Draft Februaiv 2003, <br />V011tttra C'actrltV \vide Technical Cuid Mice Manua] for Stormwate:r Quality Control pleasures, <br />.Jule 2002. <br />2 or 2 Calfomia Stormwate,- 3hm Handbook January 2003 <br />New Development and Redevelopment <br />www. cabm pha, <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />