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Santa Ana River Channel <br />E01- R1551, R1553 <br />Solid Waste Management WK-5 <br />Description and Purpose <br />Solid waste management procedures and practices are designed <br />to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater <br />from solid or construction haste by providing designated waste <br />collection areas and containers, arranging for regular disposal. <br />and training employees and subcontractors. <br />Suitable Applicatiolns <br />This BIMP is suitable for construction sites inhere the following <br />wastes are generated or stored: <br />■ Solid waste generated from trees and sluvbs removed <br />during land clearing, demolition of existing structures <br />(rubble), and building construction <br />• Packaging materials including wood, paper, and plastic <br />• Scrap or surplus building materials including scrap metals, <br />rubber, plastic, glass pieces and masonry products <br />• Domestic wastes including food containers such as beverage <br />cans, coffee cups. paper bags, plastic wrappers, and <br />cigarettes <br />■ Constriction wastes including brick, mortar, timber, steel <br />and metal scraps, pipe and electrical cuttings, non- <br />hazardous equipment parts, styrofoam and other materials <br />used to transport and package construction materials <br />Objectives <br />EC Erosion Cm-rol <br />SE �ciment Control <br />TC Tracking Control <br />WE idind Erosion Control <br />NS Non- Stomnva-er <br />Management Control <br />r1gA Waste Managernene and <br />✓ <br />Materials PolluDon Control <br />Legend: <br />V Priniary objective <br />I Secondary objective <br />Targeted Constituents <br />Sediment <br />Nutrien -s <br />f <br />Trash <br />Metais <br />V <br />Baste ria <br />Oil and Grease <br />Organics <br />,r <br />Potential Alternatives <br />V GA <br />ater <br />lity <br />sociatlon <br />Januar 20J3 Cali,ornia Stor-mwater 3MP Handbook y of <br />Construction <br />ww w. ca brn phandbooks, corn <br />Edna Park Lease (06.16.09) <br />