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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />IC10. OUTDOOR LOADINGiUNLOADING OF MATERIALS <br /> <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) <br /> <br />t., BMP is a technique, measure or structural oontrolihat is <br />used for a g i'~en .set of conditions to improve the quality of <br />the stormwater runoff in a cost effec.tive rnanner1. The <br />min im um required B M Ps br ih is activit" are outlined in the <br />box to the right. Implementa1J::>n of polfution <br />preventionlgood housekeeping measures may reduce or <br />elimi nate the oe-ed to implement oiher more cosUy or <br />ccmpliC<1ted pl1}l~edures. Proper employee training is key <br />to the success of BMP implementati-::m. <br /> <br />The BMPs outlined in this fact sheet target the following <br />poll wants: <br /> <br />T araeted Constituents <br />Sediment :( <br />Nwients r. <br />Floa:able I,laterials <br />Metal" ;.:: <br />Bacteric; <br />011.5. Grea::", ;.: <br />Organ ICS & Toxicants 'f. <br />Pes~icides x <br />OxY~en DemandinCl <br /> <br />Mlt'HMUM 8EST MANA,GEMENT PRACTICES <br />Poll ution Pre',en~on/G'Xld Housekeeoir,Q <br />· Pa~ vehides ana conduo:, loading/unloading only in <br />designated loading/unloading areas so tha: sp'ijls or <br />leaks can be contained. <br /> loading/un loading areas regularly to remove <br />,:otelltial sour.res of pollutants. <br />Reduce exposu re of ma:eria f; to rain. <br />Use drip pcn~ u.ndernea,h hC<.5e and pipe <br />connections and ooherleak-prone sp.ots during liquid <br />transfer op,erations, Olnd when making and breaking <br />conneaions. <br />Inspec, eql.Jipmemregulerly. <br />If possible. cc-nduc1loadir,9 end u.nloadir.g in d rl <br />weather. <br /> <br />S~en("jl stlym drain!!;; <br /> <br />T rainino <br />· Train emple-yees on these BMP~, storm water <br />discl1arg-e prchibitioos. and wastewater discharge <br />re-qu iremel'lts. <br />PrO','ide on-g'::ling e.1",,:/.oyee training In ,:ollutiotl <br />prev€nt~n. <br /> <br />Provided below' a re specific procedures associated 'wiLh each of the minimum BMPs aklng with procedures <br />for additional BMPs that should be consid-ered if ihis activity takes place at a faalir." bcated near a sensitive <br />watettody. In order to meet the requi rements for medium and high prioritJ, facilities, the ownersJoperatCiS <br />must select.. instatl and maintain appropriate BMPs on site. Since the sel%ti-on of the appropriate BMPsis a <br />'3ite-s~cific process. the l}'Pes and numbers of additional BMPs v.-ill vary for each facility. <br /> <br />1. Properl)' design loading/unloading areas to prevent storm Ylater runon. runoff of spills. etc. <br /> <br />· Grade andlor t€-m1 the area to prevent runan. <br />· Position roof downspouts to direct stormwater away from the are.a. <br />· Grade and/ex berm the bading/unloading area to a drain that is connected to a dead-end. <br />· The area where truck transfers take place should be paV€d. If the liquid is reactive with the <br />as~.halt, PorUand cement should be used to pave the area. <br />· Avoid placing loading/unloading areas nwr siorrn dlciins. <br />2. Park vehicles a.nd conduct 10ading,'unJoading only in designated loading/unloading areas so <br />that spills or leaks oan be oontarned. <br />3. Clean loading/unloading areas regularly to remove potential sources of pollutants. This includes <br />outside a~eas /hat are regularly covered by col'1tainers or omer materials. <br />4. Reduce exposure of materials to rain. <br />· Cover the badingiun loading areas. <br />· If a cover is unfeasible, use overhangs, or sears or door skirts to enclose a.reas. <br />5. Use drip pans underneath hose and pipe connectioJ's and other leakoprone spots during <br />transfer operations. and when making and breaking oonnections. <br /> <br />J EPA " P(~fthjinaf)' Data Summar I cf Urbar. Storm.\'at~r ~st ^,.fa>tJa..~':fn=r.t Practicr:o:..r <br /> <br />KlO O...ldoor L",dmEC'l'nl"admg oH.btemb <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />