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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />G. Inspect equipment regularly <br />· Designate a resp-::>r.sible party to check under de!iV€r! vehicles for lear:ng tluids, spilled <br />materials. debris. or other foreign materials. <br />· Check 102;din~'un!oadjr.g equipment regularly for feaks. <br />7. If possible, conduct leading and unleading in dlyweather. <br /> <br />Training <br />1. Train emplo~'ees en these BMPs, sterm water discharge prehibitlons. and wastewater <br />dis.charge requirements. <br />2. Train emplo~(ees on pre per spill centainment and cleanup. <br />· Establish training that providesemplo,'ee5 '^~th the proper Io-::ols and knowledge to immediat€ly <br />begin cleaning up a spill. <br />· Ensure that emplo,'ees are famiflanl,'itl1 the site's spill contro! plan andfor proper spiU cleanup <br />proeM ure.s. <br />· BMP IC17 discusses Spill Prevention and Control in detail. <br />3. Trainemple:lees en the proper techniques used during liquid transfers to. avoid leaks and <br />spills. <br />4. Train ferklift eperators en the proper leading and unloading precedures. <br />5. Establish a regular training sohedule, train all new empleyees. and cenduct annual <br />refresher training. <br />G. Use a training leg ersimilar method 10 document training. <br /> <br />Stencil storm drains <br />Storm drain system signs act as h~ghty visible source o~mtrols that are typically stertciled directly adjaC€nt to <br />stom1 drain inlets. Stencils should read '~Jo Dumpin-9 Drains to Ocean". <br /> <br />References <br /> <br />California Storm V\'ater Best Management Practice Handbook. Industrial and Commercial. 200l <br />ilN,w.cabmphand (,::>oks. com <br /> <br />California Storm VVater Best Managerr-.ent Practice Handb-~ks_ IndustriaVCommercial Besl Management <br />Practic:e Handbo::>k. Prepared by Camp Dresser& McKee, Larry WaJker A.:ssociates, Uribe an d .~.ssociates, <br />Resources Plann ing Associates ror StCfm'Nater Qualrt',' Task Force. March 1993. <br /> <br />Model Runoff Pro] ram: A How-To Gu ide for Oe1,le{oping Urban Runoff Programs for Small <br />MI.Jnicipafities. Prepared by City of M::>nterey, City of Santa Cruz, Cafifomia Coastal Commission, Monterey <br />Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Associ:ltion or MOI1terey Bay .4,rea Governments, Wood\'1ard-JCI,'d€, Centr<ll <br />Coast Regionaf Water Quality Control Board. J ulyl998 (Revised February 2002 by the California C-::>astal <br />Commission) . <br /> <br />Stormwater Management r'Aanual for Western Wa.shingtoo. \lo/urne IV Source Control BMPs. Prepared by <br />Washingt<Xl-Stale Department of Ecology Water Quality Program. Publication No. 99-14. p..ugiIst2001. <br /> <br />For additional informatien contact: <br /> <br />County of Orange <br />Watershed & Coastal Resource--3 <br />Slomwater Program <br />(714}567-6J53 <br />or visit our website at <br />wvN.'. oo^,at€!'~-heds. com <br /> <br />Ie lI) Olltdoor LOJdmg't:nloodu:.~ c.fl,L.,te!,a~ <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />