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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />50-12 <br /> <br />Efficient I.rrigat!ion <br /> <br />· Design timing a nd application mdhod.~ of inigation waterto minimize the runoff of excess <br />irrigation water into the storm water drainage systcm. <br /> <br />· Group plants with similar water requirement.s in order to reduce excess irrigation runoff and <br />prolnott' surface filtration. Choo,:;e plants with low irrigation requirements (for example, <br />native oj' dl'oughtto]er;:lIlt spceies). Consider design features such as: <br /> <br />L.1sing mulches (such as wood chips or bar) in planter areas without ground cover to <br />minimize sediment ill runoff <br /> <br />Installing appropriate plant mateiiaL~ fOt' the kJl~qtiont in accord.ance \\1th alllollnt of <br />sunlight J nd climate. and llse native pl,1I1t tnatctials where !)ossible and/or as <br />recummendc'd by the landscape architect <br /> <br />Leming a vegelati vc barrier along the pmpelty bOllndary and illterior \\'Jtercollrses, to <br />act as <1 pollutJnt filter, where appropriate and feasible <br /> <br />Choosing plants that minimize OJ' eliminate the use offeltilizcr or pesticides to sustain <br />gm\\th <br /> <br />· Employ' other comparable, equally effedive methods to reduce irrigation water runoff. <br /> <br />HC!dt'l'e/oJlj"!l Fxisl illY 11I.'il u[lllliolls <br />Various jurisdictional storrnwater management and mitigation plaus (SUSMP, \VQM P. etc.) <br />define ~rede\'dopmellt" in terlilS of amOlUlts of additional impel'\ious area, increases in gross <br />tloor area and/or extetior cOllsu.uctiotl. and land disturbing activities with structural or <br />impen,olLs sllrf,H~es. The definition of" rcdevelopment" must he consulted to determine <br />whether or not the ('eqlliremcnts for new developmcnt apply to areas intended fot' <br />t'ede\t:lopmlC'nt. Lf the definition applies, the steps outlined uncle!' ~designing new instaUatiuos" <br />abo....e should be follo\\'lOd. <br /> <br />Othcr Rcsources <br />A Manual for the Standard Urban Stonnwater !I'litigation Plan (SUSMP). Los Angeles County <br />Depaltlllent of Public \VorLs, 1\.1ay 2002. <br /> <br />Model Standard Urban Storm Water I\litigation Plan (SUS~IP) for San Diego County. POtt of <br />San DiegfJ, and Cities in San Diego County. Febt"Uary 14, 2002. <br /> <br />1'>'lodc! Water Quality :\tanJgemellt Plan (\VQMP) for <-~nunty ot Otange, Orange Cnunty I-lood <br />Control District. ;,l1ld the Incorporated C.ities ofOl'ange County, Draft r'cbruary 200:{. <br /> <br />VentLlra Countvwidc lechnical Guidancc \Ianual for Stormwaler Quality Control .Me.asUl'e~. <br />,J uly 200L <br /> <br />J of 2 <br /> <br />Cal-irolT,ia Storn"'",ab:-r BMP Handbook <br />New De,v.elopment and Redeve,lopment <br />',."".,. c2bm pha "dbooks .co m <br /> <br />Ja'f1ual"t' 2003. <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />