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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />Trash Storage Areas <br /> <br />Description <br />Trash stol~ige at'ea" are arcas ,,"herc' a tra"h receptacle (:;) are <br />located for'usl' as 3 repository for soiid 1,'3stes, Stor1l1water <br />rUIH)ff from areas where trash is storcd or db posed of can be <br />polluted. In addition, loose trash and debris can be easily <br />tran,,;ported by ,.vater or wind into nearby stOtm drain inlets, <br />channels. and/or creeks. \Vaste handling operations that may be <br />sourcc,; of storm water pollution include dumpsters, litter controL <br />and waste piles, <br /> <br />Approach <br />This fact shC'd cont~lilts details on the specific measures required <br />to prevent or reduce pollutants in storm \\,ater runoff associated <br />with tnlsh storage and hancUillg. Pre\'cntatiw: measures <br />including encln,,;urc's. containtUellt structures, and imper\ious <br />pavements to mitigate spills, should be used to redue(' the <br />likdilwod of C'Ontamitwtion. <br /> <br />50-32 <br /> <br />Design Objectives <br /> <br />Maximize Infiltratf3n <br /> <br />~'ro~'ide Ret~r.ricr. <br /> <br />ShJW Ru noff <br /> <br />Minimize ImperJ;ous land <br />CO'.'erage <br /> <br />Prohibit Dumping of Improper <br />Ma;e~iafG <br /> <br />./ Contain Polh.ltant; <br /> <br />C-311.,c, and Convey <br /> <br />Suitable Applications <br />Appropriate applkatiolls include regidelltial, commcrcial and industrial areas planned for <br />de\'c']opmcnt or redevelopment. (Detached rC.sidenLia] single-family homes are typieall.\' <br />c-xeluded fnHlllhis requiremenL) <br /> <br />Design Considerations <br />Dc'sign requirements for 1"as1e handling arc-as are govcrned by 13uilding and Fire Codes, and by <br />current local agency ordinances and zolling requiremellLq. The design criteria described in this <br />fact sheet arc- meant to enhance and he consistent wilh these code and ordinance requirement.<;, <br />Haz.1rdou,,; waste should be handled in accordance \li1h legal requiremcnt.'i (\stalJ1i"hed in Title <br />'22, CaJjfornia Code of Regulation. <br /> <br />\'Vaslcs fr(JIll eOlluuer-eial and industrial sites are t)1)ieally hauled by either publie or commercial <br />Carl'iel'S Ll1at may have design or sceess requircments for waste storage areas. The design <br />er[teria in thi,,; fact sheet are recommendations and are not intended to be in eonmet willI <br />requit'el!lellL~ established by tht, waste hauler, The waste hauler should be eontacted prior to the <br />design nf ,l'OUl' sit.:: trash collection areas. Conflicts or issues should be discllssed witi1 the loc<11 <br />agency, <br /> <br />J)C,'iigll illY :Vt'll' iTllilu {flll iOlls <br />Trash storage areas should be designed to consider Ule following stl'llctural or tJ'eatment cOlltrol <br />1l~'1 Ps: <br /> <br />· Design tJ~lsh l'olltainer are.iS so lhat drainage from adjoining roofs and p.HHllcnt is din;[ted <br />around the area(s) to avoid run-Oil, "11lis might include benning <br />ur grading the wasle handling area to prl'\'cnr run-on of <br />slorJllwater, C .~ S QA <br />.....".......-=-.~<;=:,,::_. '. <br /> <br />· [\'lake SLtrt: trash container ;lreas arc screened or walled to <br />prevenl off-site transport of trash. <br /> <br /> <br />Clnf o(lH~ <br />Stqrmwater <br />Quality <br />As5o~iation <br /> <br />JanualY J003 <br /> <br />Califomia Storml-/atE'" SMP Handbook <br />NeOi Development and Redevelopment <br />'-1\.,., cabm phandbooks, com <br /> <br />1 of J <br /> <br />I7Lh Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />