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<br />Santa Ana River Channel <br />EOI-RI552 <br /> <br />5D-32 <br /> <br />Trash Storage Areas <br /> <br />· Llsc'lined bills ot" dllmpste]~~ to reduce leaking of liquid waste. <br /> <br />· Provide ronfs, awnings. or attached lids 011 all trash containers to minimize direct <br />prccipil;ltion and prevent rainfall from entering containers. <br /> <br />· Pave trash storage areas \\'ith an impenious surface to mitigate spills. <br /> <br />· Do not locale storm drains in immediate \ic.inity of the trash storage area. <br /> <br />· Post signs on all dll1l1psters informing users that hazardous matetiaL~ are not to be disposed <br />of therein. <br /> <br />Redt'l'elOJliIlY L\'istiIlY I list UUlI t ions <br />Various .iurisdictional stortll\\'ater managemcnt and mitigation plans (SUSI\H'. \V()J\'lP. etc.) <br />ddiue ~redel'dopmc.llt' in terms of anwunts of additional impervious area. increases in gross <br />[loor area and/or ex1crior cOllstruction, and land disturbing acti\ities \\'ith structural rJ!' <br />impe!'\10IlS surface". The definition of~ red"~\'el()pmellC must be consulted to determine <br />whether or not the requirements for new development apply to areas intended for <br />redC\eloplllenL If the definition applies, the steps outlined under ~designing new installatiotls~ <br />abcl':e should be followed. <br /> <br />Additional Information <br />,l/ Uilllt'IIlIIH'(' COILS itlen! lions <br />The integrit~y of structural elements that are subject to damage (i.e., screens, eOVC1'S, and signs) <br />must be maint;liJ1Cd by thc OInler/operatol'. il-laintenancc agl'CemenL~ betweeu the local agency <br />and the O\\l\er/operator may be required. Some agencies \\iIlrcquirc maintenance deed <br />re,~tricLions to be recorded of the property title. If required by the local agency, maintenance <br />agreemenl~ or deed restrictions must be executed by the owner/operator before improvement <br />plilliS are approved. <br /> <br />Other Resources <br />A Manllai for the Standard Urban .Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Los Angeles County <br />Depaltment of Public Works. May 2002. <br /> <br />Mode! Standard Urban Storm \Vater .Mitigation Plilll (SUSMP) for San Diego County, Port of <br />San Diego. and Otic.s in San Diego County, February 14, 2002, <br /> <br />!'>lodel \'Vater ()u.llity ~lallagement Plan (\V()M P) for COUl\ly of Orange, Orange County noO(! <br />C:ontroi District. and the ItHxJrporated Cities of Orange County. DrHft February 200:{. <br /> <br />Vcntura County\\ide Tedmical Guidane:e ?>.Ianu3l for Storm water ()uality Control !\Ic:lsures, <br />.J uly 2002. <br /> <br />2 of 2 <br /> <br />Calir,)mia St,oo--O-Mati>" B~\P H.ncibook <br />Ne,', De,'elopment and Redev~lopmi>"t <br />',"v'W. cabm ph. "dbooks ,C')Irl <br /> <br />Janua,)' 2003 <br /> <br />17'h Street Triangle Lease (07.01.09) <br />