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City of Santa Ana <br />Proposal for the Bender Ready -Mix Concrete Manufacturing Project <br />Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />layout, identifying: (1) potentially significant impacts, (2) potentially significant impacts unless <br />mitigated, (3) less than significant impacts, and (4) issues resulting in no impacts. <br />4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />The Environmental Analysis sections will provide vital supporting information for the conclusions <br />rendered for the Environmental Checklist. This section will review the following issues: <br />Aesthetics, Light, and Glare. Long-term visual impacts (i.e., visual character and views from <br />adjacent areas) resulting from the Project will be reviewed. Mitigation measures such as <br />perimeter landscaping, screening and setbacks will be recommended to reduce the <br />significance of potential visual impacts. RBF will also address potentially significant impacts <br />generated by the introduction of light and glare associated with the proposed Project. This <br />analysis will include a light and glare impact discussion from street lights, vehicle headlights, <br />building lights, etc. RBF will review and incorporate existing City policies and guidelines <br />regarding light and glare for inclusion within the Initial Study. RBF will recommend mitigation <br />measures to reduce potential aesthetic and light and glare impacts to the maximum extent <br />possible. <br />• Agricultural Resources. The project area is not designated for agricultural production; thus, <br />the Initial Study will confirm that there is no effect on farmland and is not subject to a <br />Williamson Act Contract. <br />• Air Quality. Short-term construction related and long-term air emission effects will be <br />evaluated in accordance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District's criteria. <br />The focused air quality study, referenced in Task 3.1 will be incorporated. <br />• Biological Resources. Given the developed nature of the Project area and disturbed nature <br />of the Project site, no sensitive biological species or habitat is expected to occur on -site. <br />On -site conditions will be confirmed. <br />• Cultural Resources. The analysis will cite the provisions of CEQA Guidelines 15064.5 <br />(Historical and Archaeological Resources). The analysis will include site -specific historical <br />research at the California State University, Fullerton Information Center and Consultation, <br />with local historical societies and people with knowledge of local history and the history of <br />the project area. This analysis will also include a search of Native American Heritage <br />Commission files. <br />Geology and Soils. The Initial Study analysis will identify existing regional and site specific <br />geology and soils constraints (such as compressible soils, landslide hazards, disruptions, <br />displacements, compaction, or over -covering of the soil, and areas subject to subsidence), <br />and seismic hazards. This section will identify recommended mitigation measures to avoid <br />or lessen potential impacts to the extent feasible to ensure consistency with the City's <br />standards/policies. <br />• Hazards and Hazardous Materials. Analysis will review existing short-term and long-term <br />hazard conditions, based upon existing references provided by the Applicant and City. <br />Analysis will also include evaluation of the project's compliance with NPDES requirements. <br />JN 00-000300.10P 9 5 • August 27, 2009 <br />