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Sponsor which shall clearly evidence all coverages required above; fib} provide that such <br />insurance shall not be materially changed or terminated except an ~ days prior written <br />notice to the Project Sponsor; ~c} maintain such insurance far the period covered by this <br />Agreement; and ~~ replace such certificates for polices expiring prior to the expiration <br />of this Agreement. <br />VIII. II~A~'IN ADD A~D~T <br />A. Any authorised representative of Pro j ect ~ono~, the an~ptroller energy of the <br />United States, the United. States Department ofHousin and Urban Development or any <br />of their authorzed representatives, shah have access to City boos, documents, records, <br />v~hich such persons deem pertinent to this Agreement, for the purpose of conducting an <br />audit, evaluation, or examination, or making transcripts during the periods of retention set <br />forth ~n the ~ecordslConfidentiality par~.graph of this Agreement and the premises in <br />which they are provided. <br />B. fro jest sponsor shall actively participate and cooperate iti any persons specified. ~n <br />subparagraph A above in any evaluation or rnan~toring of the services provided pursuant <br />to the Agreement, and shah provide the abQVe mentioned persons adequate office space <br />to conduct such evaluation or monitoring. <br />l I~IC~E AND I~A~U <br />A. Contractor, its officers, agents, emp~ayees, and subcontractors shall, throughout the <br />term of this Agreement, maintain ail necess~.ry licenses, permits, approvals, <br />certificates, waivers and exemptions necessary far the provision of the services <br />hereunder and required by the laves and regulations of the United States, State of <br />California, City, and any other applicable governmental agencies. <br />~. Contractor sha11 comply v~ith ail laws, rules, or regulations applicable to the er~~ces <br />provided hereunder, as any may navy exist or be herea~er changed. ~`~ese laves, rules, <br />and regulations shall include, but not limited to the folla~ng: <br />I . United States Cade ~U.S.C.~, title 4~, Section 1 ~ 1- I29 12, AIDS Housing <br />opportunity Act. <br />2. Code of Federal regulations ~CFR}, Title ~4, fart 574, Housing <br />opportunities far Persons with .AIDS. <br />~. office of ~rlanaement and budget ~~NIB} Circular ~o. A- I ~2, Cost <br />Principles for nonprofit organizations. <br />4. ~B Circular No. A- I ~, Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and <br />ether nonprofit Insti~.tions. <br />5 <br />