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I N~~DISRIII~aTI~~ <br />.A. ~rnployt~ent -contractor warrants that it has developed and does n~ainta~n an <br />Affirmative Action program far ernployent which includes goals and timetables for <br />e~np~ay~nent of~von~en and minorities, which program meets the Affirmative Actian <br />guidelines of the Federal Equal opportunity on~n~~ssian and all appropriate state <br />laws and regulations. <br />B. Services, ~enef~ts, and Facilities -ontractar7 nor any aftheir subcontractors, shall <br />discrirninate in the provision of services, the allocation ofbenefits, ar in the <br />accammadation in facilities an the basis of ethnic group identification, race, religion, <br />,. <br />ancestry, creed, color, sex, marital status national orrg~n, age, sexual preference, <br />medical condition, or physical or mental handicap in accordance with Title VI of the <br />ivll lghts Act of l ~~~, ~~ IJ,.. ~~~~Od and all other pertinent rules and <br />regulations prornulgated pursuant thereto, and as otherwise provided by state la~v and <br />regulations, as all m.ay na~v exist ar be hereafter amended ar changed, <br />. Disabled individuals - Project Sponsor and ontractar and their contractors shall <br />agree to comply with the provisions of Section 5~~ of the Reha~bilitatlan Act of 1 X73 <br />~a U.S.Q. 7~4 et seq., as implemented in 4 MFR X4.1 et seq.}, pertaining to the <br />prohibition of discrimination against qualified handicapped persons in all programs ar <br />aCtlvlt~es, as they exist no~v ar may be hereafter amended together V~~th succeeding <br />. <br />e.s at~an. <br />~. I~eta~1at10n ~-contractor, nor ~t e~nplayees, agents, ar contractors shall lntln~date, <br />coerce ar tape adverse action against any person for the purpose of interfering with <br />rights secured by federal or state laws, or because such person has flied a can~plaint, <br />certified, assisted or other~vlse part~c~pated ~n an ~nvest~gatlan, proceeding, hewing ar <br />any other activity undertal~en to enforce rights secured by federal or state lain. <br />N~TIES <br />A. [finless otherwise specified, all notices, clairn~ correspondence, reports and~or <br />statements authorized or required by this Agreement shall be effective when <br />written and deposited In the [Jnited States rr~ail, first class postage prepaid and <br />addressed as specified in this agreement. <br />B. ~'er~n~natlon I~at~ces shall be effective when ~r~tten and. depos1ted ~n the United <br />States mail, certified, return receipt requested, and addressed as specified below. <br />. For purposes ofthis Agreement, and notice to be provided by project Sponsor <br />may be given by its antract officer. <br /> <br />