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OOPERAT~VE AORENI'~ ~ETE~ <br />THE ~T~ OF A~T.A .~,~ A.~D <br />THE SANTA AAA ~IOUn~C A.UT~O~~T <br />This ooperat~ve Agreement entered rota this 1~t ~~. ofJuly, ~0~~, h~ch date is <br />enumerated. far purpose ofreference only, is by and betv~een the it~r of Santa ,Ana <br />~"it~r"} and. ~e Santa ,A~.a ou~sing .Aut~.ority ~"Pra~ect Sponsor"}. This .Agreement <br />shall be administered h~ the ~t~ of Santa Ana, <br />i f~~i JL ~~ f <br />~.. pity on behalf of ail jurisdictions in Orange aunt, has been designated to <br />receive grant funding prav~ded b~ the U., Department ofHousing and Urh <br />Development ~"HUD"~ pursuant to the Houszng Opportun~txes far Persons with ArDS <br />~"~OpA"} grogram; and <br />B. pity has entered ~nta a ~OP~VA grant agreement with HUD; and. <br />. project Sponsor has provided leadership and ~s respons~~le far planning and. <br />providing comprehensive HIS services far clients thrauhaut Orange ~ou.nt~ and will <br />maintain the wait list for the program; and <br />:.. <br />.. D, project Sponsor mill provide services to support the Tenant-Based dental <br />Assistance ~rogran~ which eansists offinancial eligibility aftenants, ~ inspections, <br />and financial respansibllit~ for housing assistance payments to landlords; and <br />~, The parties have cooperat~vel~ ~~tten and agree tD an ,Admrn~stratlve plan <br />hieh id.entif~es guidelines far the operation ofthe ~~~. Tenant~Based Rental <br />Assistance Programs.. <br />~0, THERE~OR~, the parties mutually agree as follows: <br />~, ALTEATiO~ OF TR <br />~. The parties anticipate that this Agreement naay be a~nend.ed, or followed by additional <br />agreements, to irnple~nent additional services and funding of the type covered by <br />this Agreement. <br />B, This ,Agreement fully expresses all understanding of pity and Project Sponsor <br />with respect to the subj ect matter of this A.gree.ent, a~,d shall constitute <br />the total Agreement between the partial for these purposes. a addition ta, ar <br />alteration of, the terms of this Agreement, whether written or verbal, shall be valid <br />unless made in writing and formally approved and executed by each party. <br />