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II. SERVICES <br />A. City shali serve s "HOPA. grantee" for the purpose of contracting with <br />organizations to provide Tenant~Based dental ,Asistan.ce to persons disabled <br />due to HI~IAIDS residing in grange County. <br />4 l ! athln ~n th~4/ 1 A}~~. ~~~FAA~nt .iAHF~ ~r1+~+/nt ~t~ fraiil ~nt~i ill lntlf an~ +.+r illa~~ <br />agreements ~~th the Other agencies or cant~a~tors ~U1th~n the County, ~f <br />deemed necessary and advisable to da sa by City; provided however, the <br />obligations and rights covered by this Agreement shad not be altered or <br />reduced, except a mutually agreed to ~n r ~t~ng by City and Fro j ect ponso~. <br />. City shall conduct an ongoing assessment of the Tenant,~sed .entai <br />Assistance Frogran~. <br />D. Fro~ect Sponsor shalX assure the adequate provision of suppart~ve services to <br />appiicantslparticipants to ensure programs. success. <br />E. Fro j ect Sponsor shaXl comply with such other terns and conditio~as, inciudin <br />record keeping and reports for prograrn monitoring and evaluation purposes, as <br />BUD may establish for purposes of carrying out the program in an effective and <br />efficient manner. Annual progress reports iii be prepared by Froject Sponsor in <br />a form consistent with HUD publications HUD-4a 1 10- {194}. ~n addition, <br />Project Sponsor shad forward quarterly narrative reports to City identifying <br />accornplish~nents as H~FA Project Sponsor for Tenant-based Dental <br />Assistance for persons v~lth ~~V disease. These reports are to be submitted in <br />conjunction with payentlcost reports iden~tl~ed in Section IV ofthis Agreement <br />along Frith a summary of program budgets and financial disbursements made <br />under the terms of this Agreement. <br />F. "Contract officers"means the City's Hauling tanager or designee and <br />Pra j ect Sponsor's <br />. See Attachrrient I for detaiied services and related cost breakdown. <br />III. BUD~T <br />The follov~ing budget is an estimate only ofthe cast ofproviding the services hereunder <br />for the term July 1, ZOO9 through June ~a, Zola. This budget nay be modified by mutual <br />written agreement of the Contract f cers. <br />Administration 3~,a4a.aa <br />Housing Assistance payn~entslProgranl Expense $~S,OOa.aa <br />TOTAL {Maximum Obligation) $500,000.00 <br />Z <br />