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. Any funds not expended by frscal year end, .dune ~, 20I0 shall be ret~.uned to <br />pity. Said unexpended fu.nd.s shall be reallocated by pity through the <br />~I~PA grogram. <br />V. DISPUTE ES~LUTION <br />A. Any party may give written notice to the Other setting forth in spec~~.c terms the <br />existence and nature of any unresolved nutter or concern related to the purposes and <br />obligations. ofthis .Agreement. Such notice shall be provided ~~ and to the contract <br />officers on behalf of the parties. The Officers shall have fifteen ~ l ~} ~vorl~in days <br />folloi~ng such notice to obtain resolution ofany issues~s} identi'ied in this manner; <br />provided, however, ~~ mutual consent this period of t~n~e may be extended to thirty <br />~~ ~~ days. <br />. If the officers are unable to obtain resolution of the issue~s~, they shad submit point <br />~v~itten Statement describing the facts ofthe issue, thin thirty ~~} days after the <br />written notice described above to the Deputy pity 1Vlanager for Development Services <br />and to pity's dousing tanager for resolution, If the Officers are unable to prepare a <br />~o~nt statement, each shall subn~~t separate statements to the pre~vlously listed ~v~th~n <br />the thirty ~~~ day period. Such persons shall meet and n~al~e them best effort to <br />resolve the natter v~~thin thirty ~3a} days following submission of the statements, <br />~esolutian of the dispute, ar lack thereof, by the Deputy pity Manager for <br />Development Services and the Santa Ana pity ~Vlanaer shall be documented in the <br />farm of Witten correspondence exchanged by such persons within ten { 1 ~~ days <br />following their meeting. <br />VL IND~~IPIATI~ <br />Each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party, its <br />officers, agents and employees from all lability, claims, losses and demands, including <br />defense costs, whether resulting from court action or otherwise, arising out ofthe acts or <br />omissions of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents or employees or the condition of <br />property used ~n the performance of this Agreement. <br />~Tll. INSURANCE <br />'ith respect to performance of~vorl~ under this Agreement, Project Sponsor shall <br />maintain and sha11 require its subcontractors, if any, to rnainta~n insurance as described <br />below: <br />1. orl~er's compensation insurance within statutory legal limits, and <br />~. o~n~nercial general Liability Insurance ~vzth limits of not less than <br />I,~~~,O~D per accident~incident. <br />Project Sponsor shall: ~a} prior to exercising any right under this .Agreement, furnish <br />properly executed certificates ofinsurance and additional insured endarsem.ent to the City <br />4 <br />