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which shall clearly evidence all coverages required above; (b} provide that such insurance <br />shall not be rt~aterially changed or terminated except on 30 days prior written notice to <br />the City; (c) maintain such insurance for the period covered by this Agreement; and (d) <br />replace such certificates for policies expiring prior to the expiration of this Agreement. <br />VIII. ISP~CTION AND AUDITS <br />A. Any authorised representative of City, the Carriptroller general of the United states, <br />the united States Deponent ofHousin and Urban Development cr any oftheir <br />authorised representatives, shall have access to City boos, documents, recordsy <br />which such persons deem pertinent to this Agreement, far the purpose of conducting <br />an audit, e~a.Iuatlon, or exarn~natian, or making transcripts the periods of <br />retention set Earth in the RecardslCanfidentilityparagraph afthis.Agreement and the <br />p~'emises in which they are provided. <br />B, City shall actively participate and cooperate with any persons spec~~ed 1n <br />subparagraph A above In any evaluation or monitoring of the services provided <br />pursuant to the Agreement, and shall provide the above rnentloned persons adequate <br />office space to conduct such evaluation or monitoring. <br />~ I1IC~NS~S AND LAS <br />- ._ A. fro j eet por~sar, its officers, agents, employees, and subcontr~.ctars shall, throughout <br />the term of this Agreement, maintain all necessary licenses, permits, appra~als, <br />certificates v~aivers and exemptlans necessary for the provision ofthe services <br />hereunder and required by the lames and regulations of the United States, State of <br />California, City, and any other applicable go~ernrnental agencies. <br />B, Project Sponsor shall comply with all lames, rules, ar regulations applicable to the <br />services provided hereunder, as any may nay exist or be hereafter changed. These <br />la~vs~ rules, and regulations shall include, but not limited to the fallowing: <br />1. United States Code ...},title 4~, Section l~~1-1212, AIDS Housing <br />Opportunity Act. <br />. Code of Federal .regulations ~CF}~ Title 24, Part 574, Hauling <br />Opportunities for Persons ~v~th AIDS. <br />. Office of Nlanagem.ent and Budget ~O~VIB} Circular No, A-1 ~~, Cost <br />Principles far nonprofit organisations. <br />4. OMB Circular No. A~ l ~~, Audits of lnstitutians of Higher education and <br />Other Nonprofit Institutions. <br />