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I L~LDIS~RIMINATI~L <br />~., ~rnployment - Pra~ect Sponsor warrants that it has developed and does maintain an <br />Affir~.ative Action program for employment which includes gaols and timetables for <br />en~ployrnent of ~arnan and minorities, which program meets the Affirmative Action <br />guidelines of the Federal Equal opportunity on~mission and all appropriate state <br />lames and regulations. <br />B. Services, Benefits, and acllities - Project Sponsor and its contractors, shall not <br />dlscr~rnlnate ~n the prov~s~an ofser~1ces, the allocation afbenef~ts, ar in the <br />accommodation in facilities on the basis of ethnic group identi.cation, race, religion, <br />ancestry, creed, color, see, marital status, national origin, age, sexual preference, <br />medical condition, ar physical or mental handicap in accordance with Title V~ of the <br />civil Rights Act of 1 ~4, 4~ U.S.Q. ~~,o0~d and all other pertinent rules and <br />regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, and as otherwise provided. by state lam and <br />regulations, as all may na~r exist or be hereafter amended or changed. <br />. Disabled lndiv~duals ~ Project Sponsor and Its contractors agree to comply ~v~th the <br />provisions ofSection 504 afthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ~a U.S.Q. 7~4 et seq., as <br />irnplen~ented in 45 MFR S4. I et seq.}, pertaining to the prohibition of discrimination <br />against qualifed handicapped persons in all programs or activities, as they exist nom <br />or may be hereafter amended together with succeeding legislation. <br />I). Retaliation ~-Project Sponsor and its employees, agents, ar contractors shall not <br />intimidate, coerce or tape adverse action against any person for the purpose of <br />interfering with rights secured by federal ar state laws, or because such person has <br />filed a complaint, certified, assisted or otherwise participated in an investigation, <br />proceeding, hearing or any other activity undertaken to enforce rights secured by <br />federal or state la~v. <br />L~TIES <br />~.. Unless other~ise specified, all notices, claims, correspondence, reports andlor <br />statements authorised or required by this Agreement shali be effective when <br />~rt.tten and depas~ted 1n the United States rna~~, first class postage prepaid and <br />addressed as specified in this A~ee~nent. <br />~. Termination Lotices shall be effective when written and deposited in the United <br />States mail, certified, return receipt requested, a.nd addressed as specified below. <br />. For purposes of this Agreement, any notice to be provided by pity may be given <br />by contract Officers. <br />Latices to qty and Project Sponsor sha.11, unXess atherise requested in v~riting, be sent by <br />U.. Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: <br />6 <br />