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Transit Zoning CodelProposed Development <br /> May 2l, 2010 <br /> Page 0 <br /> Zoning ordinance Amendment <br /> In order to enact the Transit Zoning Code TZC}, amendments to Chapter 41 Zoning} of the Santa <br /> Ana Municipal Code; an amendment to the height exemption map and amendments to the <br /> sectional district maps will need to be processed Exhibits 0,10 and 11}. As discussed earlier, the <br /> Downtown is located within the boundaries of the TZC. Currently, the Downtown has two zoning <br /> designations, the Central Business ~C3} and Central Business-Artists' Village ~C3-A}. Since both <br /> of these zoning districts will be superseded by the adoption of the TZC, reference to them <br /> throughout Chapter4l will be eliminated. <br /> In addition, the approval process for projects in a Specific Development LSD} and Gverlay Zone <br /> ~GZ} district will be modified. Under the current standards of Chapter 41, any application for a <br /> permit for a building or structure within a Specific Development LSD} or Gverlay ~GZ} zoning <br /> designation requires review and approval by the Planning Commission. Without modifying this <br /> section, permits currently issued by right and over the counter, such as single family dwellings, <br /> wo~~ld be enc~~imbered by a discretionary approval process. The more complex projects will <br /> continue to be reviewed by the Development Review Committee and the Planning Commission as <br /> needed. Projects requiring a Historical Exterior Madi~fication Application ~HEMA} will continue to be <br /> reviewed by the Historic Resources Commission. <br /> Conclusion <br /> For the last four years, the City has been diligently working an the development of the Transit <br /> Zoning Code. The community outreach far the Renaissance Specific Plan, of which the code was <br /> a component, included over 100 outreach meetings and interviews held from April 2006 through <br /> February 2008. During the last year, in conjunction with the proposal to develop Agency-owned <br /> properties in the Station District, staff held an additional 20 community meetings and interviews. <br /> Staff has also worked diligently an an on-going basis with SACReD, a coalition of numerous <br /> community groups and organizations, to obtain input an the proposed development and planning <br /> effort. This community input has been invaluable and has greatly contributed to the refinement of <br /> the code. <br /> <br /> Approval of the Developer Project will allow the redevelopment of the properties owned by the <br /> Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency, which will include more than 100 affordable units, new public <br /> open space and ajoint-use community facility on the Garfield Elementary School site. <br /> Construc~kion of affordable housing units is critical to meeting the City's Regional Housing Needs <br /> <br /> Assessment ~RHNA} far 2006-2014. In addition, the adoption of the Transit Zoning Code will <br /> provide the land-use framework necessary to allow far and encourage new transit-supportive <br /> development that provides a be#ter market far public transit, consistent with the goals of SB 375, <br /> California's Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, will provide strategic areas for <br /> infill, pedestrian friendly environments, and will focus housing and employment growth ~n transit- <br /> accessible locations through transit-oriented developments. <br /> <br />