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Transit Zoning Codelproposed Development <br /> May 2l, 2010 <br /> page 5 <br /> CEQA also requires that when a Draft EIR is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review by <br /> state agencies, the public be given an opportunity to review and comment on the Draft EIR for a <br /> period of not less than 45 days. In accordance with this requirement the Draft EIR began its 45-day <br /> public review and comment period on February 2, 2010, In response to corr~ments received during <br /> this period, the City amended the Alternatives Section Chapter 5} to evaluate three new <br /> alternatives to the proposed development on Agency properties, re-circulated the Alternatives <br /> Section, and extended the review period to April 12, 2o'i o. In addition to fulfilling CEQA's <br /> requirement for public review, the City conducted two public meetings on February 22, 201 o and <br /> March 22, 201 o in order to allow the public to provide oral testimony on the Draft EIR. In addition, <br /> the City has conducted extensive outreach efforts throughout the process of drafting the Transit <br /> Zoning Code formerly a component of the Santa Ana Renaissance Specific plan}. During the last <br /> year, in conjunction with the proposal to develop Agency-owned properties in the Station District, <br /> staff held an additional 20 community meetings and interviews. Staff has also worked diligently on <br /> an on-going basis with SACReD, a coalition of numerous community groups and organizations, to <br /> obtain input on the proposed development and planning effort. <br /> The City received a total of 16 written comment letters and 14 transcribed comments from the two <br /> public meetings. The City has eval~~ated all comments received from the persons or agencies that <br /> reviewed the Draft EIR and has provided written responses to these comments in the Final EIR. In <br /> accordance with CEQA, each public agency that commented on the Draft EIR will be provided with <br /> a response to its comments at least 1 o days prior to the final action by the City Council to consider <br /> certification of the EIR. The Draft EIR, comments and recommendations received on the Draft <br /> EIR, Responses to Comments, and revisions made to the Draft EIR in response to those <br /> comments constitute the Final EIR Exhibit 5}, <br /> With the exception of the redevelopment of the Agency-owned parcels, and other minor Agency- <br /> sponsored projects, there are no specific developments currently proposed within the Transit Zoning <br /> Code area. However, the Draft EIR analyzes a future build-out scenario that development at the <br /> maximum allowable intensity allowed under the Transit Zoning Code. <br /> <br /> While the Draft EIR determined that most potential impacts could be mitigated to a less than <br /> significant level, it did find that, under along-term, full build-out scenario, irr~plementation of the <br /> <br /> Transit Zoning Code would result in significant and unavoidable impacts to Aesthetics, Air Quality, <br /> Cultural Resources, Noise, and Transportation and Traffic. <br /> Findings of Fact <br /> Under CEQA, no public agency may approve or carry out a project for which an EIR has been <br /> <br /> certified which ider~ti~fies one or more s~gni~ficant environmental effects of the project unless the <br /> public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects, <br /> <br /> accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each findings. The CEQA Findings of Fact <br /> <br />