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Transit Zoning CodelProposed Development <br /> May 27, 2010 <br /> Page 6 <br /> prepared for this project Exhibit G} identify the written findings and rationale that staff recommends <br /> for adoption by City Council in accordance with the requirements of Public Resources Code <br /> Sections 21081 and 21085 and Sections 15091 of the State Guidelines for the Implementation of <br /> CEC~A ~CEC~A Guidelines}. <br /> Statement of Gverridin Considerations <br /> CEC~A requires the decision-making agency to balance, as applicable, the economic, legal, social, <br /> technological, or other benefits, including region-wide or statewide environmental benefits, of a <br /> proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks when determining whether to <br /> approve the project ~CEC~A Guidelines section 15093}. If the specific economic, legal, social, <br /> technological, or other benefits, including region-wide or statewide environmental benefits, of a <br /> proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse <br /> environmental effects may be considered "acceptable." V11hen the lead agency approves a project <br /> which will result in the occurrence of significant effects which are identified in the Final EIR but are <br /> not avoided or substantially lessened, the agency shall state in writing the specific reasons to <br /> support its action based on the final EIR and~or other information in the record. The statement of <br /> overriding considerations shall be supported by substantial evidence in the record, Because the <br /> proposed Transit Zoning Code and the proposed development on the Agency parcels would result <br /> insignificant and unavoidable effects, a Statement of Qverriding Considerations must be adopted. <br /> The Statement of overriding Considerations prepared for this project explains the reasons that the <br /> substantial benefits of the adoption of the Transit Zoning Code and the development of the Agency <br /> parcels outweigh the unmitigable environmental effects Exhibit 6}. <br /> Transit Zoning Code ESQ S4) <br /> As proposed, the Transit Zoning Code would establish new zoning, including two Industrial Gverlay <br /> Zones, for the ~5o-acre project area. This zoning is necessary in order to achieve the project <br /> objectives of both the Transit Zoning Code and the Developer Project. In addition, the adoption of <br /> the Transit Zoning Code will favorably position the City for future State and Federal transit funding. <br /> The Santa Ana Municipal Code allows for the creation of Specific Development zoning districts. The <br /> Specific Development tool encourages the use of innovative planning concepts and principles that <br /> could not be easily achieved through a traditional zoning approach. As such, the Transit Zoning Code <br /> LSD 84} is a unique approach to zoning that draws from traditional zoning practices by regulating use <br /> and general building design, but that also establishes regulations that respect and strengthen the <br /> existing context and built environment of the distinct areas within the plan. The Transit Zoning Code <br /> <br /> will establish separate zones that range from transit-oriented compact development to less intense, <br /> neighborhood-serving development. Most zones provide for a significant mixture of land uses within <br /> <br /> them. For a full description of each zone please refer to the Transit Zoning Code Exhibit 7}. <br /> 7 <br /> <br />