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5/I1/10 <br /> <br /> incorporated a s a pa rt hereof. N otice s hall be s ent b y S UBRECIPIENT t o C ITY r egarding a ny <br /> <br /> changes or modifications to its board of directors and list of officers. <br /> <br /> V. SPECIAL CERTIFICATION FOR RELIGIOUS ENTITIES <br /> If SUBRECIPIENT is a r eligious entity, SUBRECIPIENT hereby agrees that in connection <br /> with the provision of the services SUBRECIPIENT shall provide with CDBG funds, in accordance <br /> with 24 CFR 570.200(j): ' <br /> A. SUBRECIPIENT s hall n of d iscriminate ag ainst any employee or a pplicant f or <br /> employment on t he ba xis of r eligion a nd s hall not 1 imit e mployment or g ive pr eference i n <br /> employment to persons on the basis of religion. <br /> B. SUBRECIPIENT shall not discriminate against any person applying for the services <br /> SUBRECIl'IENT agrees to provide under the terms of this Agreement on the basis of religion and <br /> shall n of 1 imit such s ervices o r g ive p reference t o ap plicants f or s uch s ervices o n t he basis o f <br /> religion. <br /> C. SUBRECIPIENT s hall NOT p rovide r eligious instruction or c ounseling, c onduct <br /> any religious worship or services, or engage in any religious proselytizing, or exert any religious <br /> influence in the provision of the services in said program. The parties agree that this covenant is <br /> intended to and shall be construed for the limited purpose of assuring compliance with respect to the <br /> use of C ITY f ands b y S UBRECIPIENT w ith a pplicable c onstitutional l imitations r expecting t he <br /> establishment of religion as set forth in the establishment clause under the First Amendment of the <br /> United States Constitution and Article I, Section 4 of the California Constitution, and is not in any <br /> manner intended to restrict other activities of SUBRECIPIENT. <br /> D. Where t he services to b e pr ovided u nder s aid pr ogram a re rendered on pr operty <br /> owned by the primarily religious entity SUBRECIPIENT, CDBG funds may also be used for minor <br /> repairs t o such p roperty which ar e d irectly r elated t o the co st o f r endering t he s ervices under s aid <br /> program, w here t he c ost c onstitutes i n do llar to rms o my a n in cidental p ortion o f th e C DBG <br /> expenditure for rendering the services under said program. <br /> VI. PROHIBITION OF NEPOTISM <br /> SUBRECIPIENT a grees not t o h ire or pe rmit t he hiring of a ny pe rson t o f ill a pox ition <br /> funded through this Agreement if a member of that person's immediate family is employed in an <br /> administrative capacity by SUBRECIPIENT. For the purposes of this section, the term "immediate <br /> family" means spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, father-in- <br /> law, mother-in-law, s on-in-law, d aughter-in-law, a ant, unc le, niece, nephew, s tepparent a nd <br /> stepchild. T he term " administrative c apacity" means ha ving s election, hi ring, s upervisor o r <br /> management responsibilities. <br /> 10 <br /> 25L-12 <br /> <br />